They took a step forwards in many aspects. Definitely a step backwards as a Fallout game.
After playing for quite a while I can confirm what others were saying. This game is not RP friendly. You could RP a character more easily in FO1,2 almost 2 decades old games. Seriously go play them and compare dialog, choices, reactions etc. The voice acting makes it impossible too, at times. Degradation - a feature which strengthened RP is also gone.
I will not even speak about the atrocious scripted fight at concord but unfortunately the whole area there represents more or less most of the rest of the game. RPing an evil character here's what I get:
-No dialog option was even remotely covering my RP. All choices were more or less the same.
-The npcs are soulless and don't react much, even if you try to make them react via dialog - being a jerk etc.
-Your choice matters not. Either you help them or decline the quest or they stay there forever until you get the quest.
-Since I did not have much choice I got the quest, got the power armor and minigun, things which obviously were placed at the start to cater for the pewpew players who will exclaim "awesome, I am a badass now!". To me, they had the opposite effect.
-I tried to kill them after the quest, turns out they were immortal.
-To add insult to the injury, [minor spoiler] as a very convenient coincidence, one of them is a seer and tells you about your destiny in a way my 10yo nephew could make it look more believable.
I guess the biggest reason I am disappointed was that, after Fallout 3, which was after all their first, I expected them to improve the series staying faithful to the basics. They seem to want to "modernize" the game in a way which most old fans will not like, so nothing can be done about it.
About skills, well, I already talked a lot about their removal and pointed out a thousand times that they could have improved the system with skills present like many popular mods already have done. And as I posted in another thread, in the future, we will be here again having the following conversation:
-"Well, did they really have to remove perks and integrate them into SPECIAL to take them automatically according to your special number?"
-"Perks still exist they didn't remove them! It's better now, SPECIAL has more importance and why take both seperatelly - more simple this way!"