Packed food, electronics, weaponry, armor, etc also shouldn't last 2 centuries. How do all those computers work anyway, where do they get the electric from?
Don't apply hard logic to Fallout series, it's not suited for that. Right back from FO1.
So they are more durable as tapes that loose their magnetitation over the years. Correct?
Never forget the great War starts 2077. So no it isn't our technology you have to evaluate the Fallout Universe.
Exactly. It's a world inhabited by fishmen, ultra realism isn't Bethesda's concern. Cool rules... and this music is cool.
The original music is nice, although a bit slow for my tastes. Carter has a great singing voice, I hope there's a nice fast and upbeat track that she records, like those I saw on that spotify playlist, those are my favourites.
Well, if I apply cold hard logic, a lot of questions come up with that can only be answered with "gameplay/plot reasons" so better not delve into that abyss. I find it reasonable to include 50s music when culturally 2077 world is more like 1957. They didn't advance to even Elvis times and we all witness that throughout the game.
They DID advance to Elvis times, did you forget the kings in NV? all of them copying Elvis?
Oh man I'm thinking about what they could do with this in-game... It'd be so cool if you can actually have her sing these on a stage.
That Lynda Carter track is great. Love that they did some original tunes. Was a fan of Obsidian doing this in New Vegas, too.
That's one anomaly that glares since no game so far featured any tracks with sound from those 60s, Elvis himself aside. NV soundtrack is rather strictly 'safe' still, none of that rhythm that could make young girls dance 'inappropriately'!
There was an Elvis reference in Fallout. [1]
(And none of the music in the game was from the 50's.)
Actually gets Elvis a little nod in FO2 too. So your anomaly is actually well established canon.
None of the music in Fallout 2 was from the 50's either; aside from the title track technically being recorded in 1951; it was written 16 years earlier.
It's actually a very good song (Lynda's).
Will set a perfect atmosphere too, I am impressed...
Hey Winter!
Rock and roll is here to stay, it will never die!
It was meant to be that way, though I don't know why!
I don't care what people say, rock and roll is here to stay!
No, but it was sure modded in by a lot of fans.
What's with all this talk about records and cassette tapes? Pretty sure that the radio stations use holotapes...
Back on topic, though - Great music from what I checked out. I love the idea of an in-game character creating their own music, and it sounds really nice too. Can't wait!
Interplay's Fallout didn't push the "retro" thing as far as Bethesda did, true. In Fallout 1 you get a sense of Pre-War life pretty much just from that intro video and song. But that's old news - maybe seven or so years ago I could have put some effort into a conversation about the key thematic elements of both games and the merits and foibles of Bethesda's artistic license. I like where Bethesda went in this regard.
Seconded. I remember when it was announced they would be doing Fallout 3 and all the uproar/paranoia/hate... They clearly have done, and will continue to do, great things for the franchise.
As I recall, during Fallout 3's production, someone from BEthesda made a comment about only records survivng the war being the reasons why we have all this 50's music.
I always wished that games like FO would allow you to mix in some of your own music library titles. I mean something as simple as pointing to a folder that you've copied some songs to, and the game has some random music slots in it's radio broadcasts to toss in your songs. Or another non-game station that only plays the songs you've put in a game folder.
There were mods for FO3 and FONV that did exactly that. So, no worries.
Why do i have this feeling some of those "supposed" leaks were actually set up by Bethesda.. The 'End of the World' song was in one of those supposed 'announcement leaks' from all those months ago. Remember when this audio came out