The tech forum seems to be the right place to ask this, so let me know if this should be moved to a different location.
I have made some modifications to the Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini files to work better with my 2560x1080 monitor and set the file to read only. Every time I launch the game I notice that it replaces them with default ones and clears the read only flag. Is there a trick or shortcut to avoiding this? I am playing this through Steam in case that matters.
Troubleshooting Steps
1.) Searched the entire Steam folder for a hidden/backup copy of these files (Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini), but no spare/hidden copy appears to exist in my Steam folders - so this shouldn't be Steam causing this.
2.) I thought this might be Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) doing this, but launching Fallout 4 by itself is enough to cause this, so it isn't an NMM created issue either.
2.) I am seriously considering replacing the Medium.ini, High.ini, Ultra.ini, and Fallout4Default.ini in the root of the \Fallout4 game dir to see if this will solve the issue.