-- lockpicking...I am getting a little annoyed with having to pick soo many containers, seems like anything openable can have a lock on it...a lot of times you come to find out it was all a waste of time anyways..my solution: instead of having the last perk in lockpicking giving you an unbreakable pick(still have to do the lockpick mini-game), they should bring back the auto attempt..and make novice locks 100% success..
--locked terminals...again I'm getting annoyed by hacking terminals. Some I know I can avoid, but there are others that I still would like to unlock. I'm just tired of the whole mini-game..my solution: instead of the last perk in hacking, they should just reduce the number of words/choices by 50% so it is faster to hack..
--again with terminals...the ones that unlock them stupid maglock doors..wth? like I really want to sit there for 10 seconds while the door opens...just click open so I can move on...also the protectrons, why does it take 2 sections on screen to get them to get going..what I mean is, first you have to activate it, then choose what you want it to be...just ask both in one go so I can get going...also a back out of terminal option would be nice, instead of tapping O a hundred times..
--vendors...stop the stupid small talk when I try to trade...tell me once the first time I meet you, after that keep your mouth shut...I'm tired of tapping X over and over to skip their pointless dialogue lines..
--the repeating quests...I know they have been beat to death on these forums, so I'll make it short..
basically here's how it goes, I'll use MM for example
Preston tells you to go to ____. So you head there, and they send you to another ____ location to clear it out..then you have to go back and tell the settlers you cleared it, they tell you they will join the MM, then you have to go back and tell Preston, who of course will have another quest for you..here's how I wish they did them quests...after you finish clearing a location they should spawn a settler that you can talk to that will finish the quest, and go to Preston at your leisure to get another if you choose to..
--one last thing for now--the prydwen...I'm going all BoS this time, but am getting sick of going to the prydwen..why does it take 2 loading screens to get to the main part of the ship?
That is all for now, as you can see they are just nit picky things, but they are kind of turning me off to the game my second time thru...can't wait for DLCs