I have to say first off that I enjoy the romances, I love how you do things that the companion likes and they go from gruff talk to sweet, lovey talk and each time you get Lover's Embrace your companion has something to say upon getting out of bed together. It's a cute and neat little addition to the game, but I can't help feeling like there needed to be something more to it. I applaud Bethesda for finally attempting to add romances to their games, which was better than Skyrim's - do one quest for me then lets get married option - but in Skyrim at least you did have the option to get married. I was so hoping that having your wedding ring and, hopefully not seeming too cold-hearted here, getting the wedding ring off your dead spouse, I was hoping for being able to use those to choose a companion and/or NPC that you liked above all else and propose to them. Unfortunately, it seems that not only are you limited to companions, but once you reach idolization stage with your companion and decide to enter into 'romance' with them, that is the end of it, nothing really special just and abrupt ending. Again, I'm happy that Bethesda is making the effort, but I would like to see them, possibly in an extra download or as part of DLC, to add more depth to the romances making them more in line with Black Isle's old romances(*remembers Baldur's Gate fondly*) with further quests once romance level has been set that will further player's relationship with said companion, and since you can romance more than one companion at once, jealousy between your romantic partners which come more to a head the further you advance your romance with each(just like in Baldur's Gate 2). This is not a post complaining about what's in the game already however(I love that sultry Cait), but rather a topic to express my desire as a possible idea to Bethesda for improvement into a realm they have apparently decided to delve, if only having just waded their toes thus far. Anyone else feel the same way, having looked and hoped for more content in that area?