Anyone think the will add a folder for us to drag and drop MP3s to add our own songs to the radio? MGS5 did this and frankly I can't believe its taken until now for an open world game to do it. [censored], for that matter I can't believe so many open world games make it impossible to listen to the radio outside of cars (Saints Row 3 or 4, or both, is the only example where they made it everywhere that I can think of. I believe it was supposed to be playing through your phone. Even MGS5 stopped it every cutscene, or level restart, or whatever). Obviously this would be a PC only feature, but assuming the in game radio already works by reading MP3s this shouldn't be too difficult to implement.
And yea, yea I know you could just use headphones (someone says this on every forum/facebook post/article where anyone mentions and idea like this), but its more immersive and convinient to have it in game. Especially if the game devs designed it to auto-stop, pause, or quite down durning dialouge and cutscenes.