We are at #135. We're due to move up 2 more spots next week, and hit 130 the week after. Yay, team
:hot cheerleader smilie:If any of you are stat junkies like me, and wondering what the hell I'm doing, I just started running -bigadv on the i7. Instead of getting 15-18K per day every day out of it, I'm getting about 26-28K per day in the form of one lump of ~55K every 2+ days. My chart is going to look like a saw blade. I'm 8 hours into my second one, and they take about 53 hours on my rig- i7-930 @ 4.0, 12GB triple channel @ 1600, W7 Ultimate 64 running http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=4464 in a VM. So far, so good, for a 10K PPD increase.
Patton1243 50,000 04-24-10
Shanater 175,000 04-22-10
MistaMo 200,000 04-22-10
Milanius 35,000 04-21-10
WTFimLEET 80,000 04-19-10
gigabyte 1,000 04-19-10
(TES)_wolfpup 1,250,000 04-18-10
Floating_Jet 40,000 04-18-10
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I'll pat myself on the back for a stat that doesn't show on any lists- I just passed 50K WUs for about 3 years of folding. :flamethrower:
No new members this week.
Fold on! :goodjob: