Its my main PC though, I need it for homework, forums, gaming, music...
I just took my processor out, cleaned it of dust and applied some of my arctic silver 5, nearly snapped my motherboard in half putting the heatsink back on. Dropped my temp by 5cel under load, giving me some nice temps for overclocking. Went from 1.8GHz to 2.2GHz. That should get me a few more points. My temps are still mid-high 40's under load, I think I have room to overclock a bit more, but I wanna keep things cool

I might need to just run my humidifier, that might help.
I use arctic cleaning and purifier on my gpu′s and cpu′s and then arctic,then it is 2-3 weeks "burn-in" and then oc′d

Humidifier sounds like a good idea.
Last winter I had 3 boxes in my bedroom
I save on heating, but had to upgrade from a 6K BTU air conditioner to a 12K this past summer. A/C season tends to be from March to October.
My points are down because I had problems with the box I was rebuilding last night. I didn't get it folding again until this afternoon. I went from a Q9550@3.1 + 3x GTX460 to an i7-950@3.6 + 2x GTX460. All the 460s will end up in the 980X box when I get it built next week, and this one will run 450s. The 460s tend to take up half of a cpu core each when you have more than 1 or 2 cards in a single system, so the 9550 didn't run a cpu/smp client, but the 980X, with 12 cores, will still be able to run -bigadv with -smp 10.
The box I rebuilt got 30-45K just from the 3 GPU clients. It is now getting 35K. The 950 can run -bigadv, but it pulled a regular SMP this time. With a bigadv, at the current speed, it should hit 60K+ total. A better heatsink would help. Right now I'm using the stock Intel cooler that came with the 980X, and I'm stopped at 3.6 with the temps at 80C. A good cooler will let me bump it near 4.0 (the 930 is at 3.9). :flamethrower:
Fold on, my hardware freak brothers and sisters! :brokencomputer:
Some time in the future I may get my behind in gear and draw cablings out to my bedroom and storage area,nothing that is high in my priorities,and if so I do it properly.
I′m going down as well,looked at now and it was a sad view,my smp
gets 6702 and 6701,even if the 1090T gets 8466.58 tpf 9.32 dedicated,-smp 6.
Q8400 @ 2.9 have a 6021 but it is a less effective cpu at 2k and -smp 3.
Run a classic there too,also dedicated.
My gpu2-clients only gets 494-pointers now,no fun.
And finally gpu3 gets 6800-wu′s,downclocked to 1760-1790 and added fans solved
eue′s but my second evga sc 450 gets downclocked when both running
6800,sometimes,tried everything but to no avail.The other 3 gets 7.5k-8.7k,I′m good
with that.
Even run a gt 220 with -oneunit from time to time,2k on 494-pointers,that
one is dedicated to physX otherwise,kind of hoping for single slots 4xx
sometime besides the 430,that is the only sort that fits in that pci-e slot.
Btw asus gt 430 doesn′t fit as it is 1.5,the cooling sticks out

Do get some gts 460 love here shortly which goes into my main,and replace 2
powerhungry gpu2-clients (gtx 260 216+gts 250) with evga sc 450
there,probably qiut smp on q8400 then and run only 2 classic clients with
each gpu3 with separate affinities.
And have to admit,I play oblivion again,in SLI so there is some swithing
back and forth,fermi and folding+SLI doesn′t match,iirc gpu2 did pull that
off,to bad.Oblivion does look good though

Fold on :foodndrink: