I am running the smp client on my i3 530 @3.8Ghz. According to HFN.NET I am hitting 5000 PPD (after a lot of tweaking). I also have an ATI Radeon HD 5750 and I am NOT running the GPU client. Do you think it would be worth it to install the GPU client on my system? Or would it slow my cpu down too much and not make up for it in points?
An i3, with HT on, is a virtual quad. Your PPD falls between that of my stock Q6600s@2.4 (4-4.5K) and the OCd one @ 3.4 (6-7K). I don't know what a high-end ATi will do, these days, but all you can do is try it.
The ATi GPUs require much more cpu time than the nVidias do, so your card will have a greater impact on smp frame times than any of my nVidia cards do. Setting the Enviromental Variables will let you fine tune the GPU operation to minimize the effect on the CPU. They have a nice http://en.fah-addict.net/articles/articles-1-3+gpu-environment-variables.php on that over at FAH-Addict.
I'd say install the GPU3 console client and run it with the
-oneunit flag. They keep talking about GPU3 only being for nVidia, but it was actually written for both brands. The new enhancements currently only benefit the nVidia cards. The good part for ATi users is the updated hardware detection that should let you avoid using any flags to force gpu recognition.
Allow the SMP to continue running as currently configured, and start the GPU3 client. You should know within a half hour, or so, what the new PPD will be for both clients. A little math will tell you if you gain anything. Stop the SMP and change the
-smp flag to
-smp 3. Restart the SMP and wait another half hour to see what those times say. If one of those tests give you a good PPD bump, you can stop the GPU and remove the
-oneunit flag to let it continue running. If you don't see a good bump, just let the GPU run out and stick with the SMP only.
Are fermi WUs and the smp2 WUs really worth way more than other units? I was looking at my score compared to others and I have way less WUs done but just as many points. I have 397 WUs done with 218,226 points and someone else has 1392 WUs and 216,350 points.
I have 72.909 WUs...I win!

The biggest points currently come from -bigadv SMP on an 8-core+ machines (up to 200K PPD), but the WUs are getting scarce. Second would be those same 8-core+ systems running regular SMP. My i7-930@3.8 does 30-40K on -bigadv and 11-20K on regular SMP. Number 3 is the nVidia Fermi, getting 10K+. Numbers 4,5,6.... are the rest of the nVidia cards, down to an 8800GT getting 4K to a GTX260 doing 8K. I think the newer ATi cards fall towards the bottom of this list- 3-5K.
Usually, those with higher WU counts do, or did, run the CPU client for a long time. An "average" machine will finish 1 WU every 1-14 days for 50-2000 points, compared to 1 WU every 1-3 hours for nVidia GPUs for 300-1000 points. I ran nothing but multiple CPU clients for most of my first year, which ran my WU count up. Now I do most of my work on 11 GPUs, which still means a lot of WUs, but also more points that my old single and dual core AMD cpus could ever dream of making.