Step 1. Download this package.
Download that crysis2 community dedicated server package
So guys here is what you have to do. that package and copy Crysis2DedicatedServer.exe to the bin32 directory
o Dedicated.cfg to the root directory
o Crysis2_CommunityServer_Documentation.pdf to the support directory inside Crysis 2.
2.Create a seperate gamesas account using a different email ID.You cannot use the same account details for the dedicated server and your client at the same time - you MUST create a separate account to use both concurrently.just create an account from crysis2 login page.REMEMBER TO USE A DIFFERENT EMAIL ID.
3.After you have created a new account just login with that account just once in crysis2 MP.Then edit dedicated.cfg using notepad and type your ID and password there.Save it then again change the extension to .cfg.And you are done.
4.NOw comes that level rotation.xml file.As you can see you have to create that file.I have added the level rotation.xml file which i am using.Just download and copy paste it in crysis2 root folder where dedicated.cfg is located.And before you use it you have to edit that file and add your server name and password.When you open the txt file you will see this lines at the top.
Like you can see my server name is subho's test server you have to change it to something else and add you password in that password field.That it you are you have to save the file as LevelRotation.Xml.
5.Now after copy pasting both dedicated.cfg and level rotation.xml in you crysis 2 root directory just make a shorcut of dedicatedserver.exe to your desktop.Now open that file.A command promp like window will pop up.Allow it to do its stuff.just allow it to run in background and start server browser type your server and u will hopefully get ur server.
Ask me if you need any help.You can tweak more like enable R.con for the server.i will tell you those if u want.those are complicated.