In vanilla Skyrim several enchantments don't work on followers, like all Fortify
In vanilla Skyrim several enchantments don't work on followers, like all Fortify
Enchanted Follower Equipment
Enchantments on weapons work normally, but followers will only benefit from the following enchantment effects on their apparel and armor:
Fortify Carry Weight[verification needed — see talk page] (
Fortify Health
Fortify Health Regeneration—only works during recovery phase/out of combat
Fortify Heavy Armor
Fortify Light Armor
Fortify Magicka
Fortify Magicka Regeneration
Fortify Stamina
Fortify Stamina Regeneration
Fortify Unarmed Damage
Resist Fire
Resist Frost
Resist Magic
Resist Poison
Resist Shock
Waterbreathing (Followers won't drown anyway, but this stops them surfacing for air.)
Because followers choose which items to equip, verify that your follower equips the enchanted item(s).
All other enchantments on apparel and armor do not actually have an effect for followers, even if they should. Notably, this means:
There are reports that this effect does work for some followers, but very few. See one of the archived discussion pages for more information.
There are reports that damage enchantments on bows do work for followers with the Dawnguard add-on. Some report it only works for them with add-on bows, though others have reported it with vanilla bows as well.