Hello everyone. While playing Skyrim I noticed something neat (having both dawnguard and dragonborne installed), and that something is that certain followers in particular can benefit from fortify magic schools while others ignore this benefit completely. Now I know a lot of you might be thinking: "Hey Bale, that's great. But why should we care? My NPCs don't seem to be having any trouble with their mana."
The answer is simple: if you're like me and enjoy giving your followers enchanted weapons, the fortify destruction enchantment eliminates the charge use on most enchanted weapons. Giving them endless use of an enchanted sword, bow, whatever, without the need to ever use a soul gem to recharge it. This also works for the player. This news is old hat.
Anyway, this topic is my attempt to start a list of NPCs that this enchantment works for, despite the wiki's general claim to the opposite.
I can confirm Lydia will benefit from this equipment. Other housecarl's may too, since I imagine they are a similar class of NPC. It has been reported it works for Serena in Dawnguard as well. That said, anyone up for some experimenting should help me compile a list of followers who can make use of this.
Working NPCs:
Update: Taking followers to fort dawnguard, for whatever reason, nullifies their fortify magic school enchantments. I do not know why. But the usual reloading tactic did not work, and now, Lydia no longer seems to prosper from her enchanted weapon's unlimited uses (as she was before when attacking without draining any).