Generally I think the game is quite perfectly done aside from a few minor quibbles, but the follower inventory feels like I'm playing Fallout again. Don't get me wrong, Fallout is, as they say, the shizzito, but I hope we can agree that the RPG genre has made great strides in UI design since the 1990s. I don't mind not being in absolute control over my followers' costumes, but some transparency in terms of stats and gear choices would be appreciated.
Suggested fixes:
A. Tweak the follower AI so they can choose gear based on armor rating/damage instead of material.
I've seen Lydia take a glass dagger out over the legendary quality skyforge steel sword that does three times the damage. Also refusing to use a legendary steel shield over her default and presumably standard steel shield, or a legendary quality hunting bow that does more damage than say an imperial bow or standard glass/elven/orcish/etc. bows. Does her standard gear level up with her? How would we know? Again, transparency would be nice.
B. Perhaps add an option to manually equip the gear the character wears when trading with them. Add another button to the bottom line that says something like "equip follower."
I'm no coder but it seems to me the simpler fix than having to rewrite AI. Needless to say it ought to override the companion's urge to equip trash because it looks shiny.
Thanks for reading, and any constructive discussion is appreciated.