I'm not sure if this forum still lives, but I'll try posting here, since I didn't find an up-to-date answer.
Does level of your follower matter? Does it matter if you have follower that is level 50 and you already 70?
My concern is, that I really love Serana as my follower, but I discovered on wiki that she stops on level 50, which kinda disappoints me. She is still able to solo a groups of enemies and hardly lose any life, but I'm afraid that enemies will become harder for her to deal with.
I don't really want to change her for someone like Frea with no level cap, but I don't want my Serana to start chain dying either. She also feels less valuable.
So, should I change her for someone with no lvl cap or just don't mind it?
Btw, does anybody know if there's a simple mod (I don't want any of those full follower overhauls mods) that would allow me to level my Serana further?