» Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:55 pm
Ive had that woman do many things to me. She has just stopped before never to move again 1 time(had to reload). She has stopped following me many tmes and going up to her she is still in follow mode and clicking wait then follow again dont work unless i hit it like 5 times real fast then it registers and she will follow again. Ive seen her stuck in many things even the ceiling as i went underwater, so i go down and she went up.... Ive been on top something and she cant get on it so she gets in stuff and ill see her leg sticking out or something but all i do then is walk far away and around where she is stuck and luckly she has popped out everytime with no need to reload.
Ed-e seems to do better until im near a low hanging ceiling which he just sticks on and when i go underwater he just rides the top which is a problem in vaults or other closed in areas with water cause he wont follow so i tell him to stay outside which svcks for help reasons and storage purposes. They used to act really funky before the one patch ive had put on but they still arent great but they are still a ton of help in fights
BTW Put ballistic fist on her that u get from the legion enemies and she will smack down tons of people, i may kill 1 or 2 but she can pummel 5 or 6 in that time. When she is around i am almost un-afraid to die, until she does atleast...
Forgot to say too keep a close eye on companions, ive walked into places before that had to load and when game resumes both followers are nowhere to be found. NOWHERE!! I can go back outside or anywhere, rest for a week worth of time, get into fights to try and pull em to you or something, everything but they are going for good but i still got the perks but i dont even see their blips on the radar as i usally can