Therefore I thought I would take Jenassa for a spin!
(All female followers look splendid in Forsworn stuff, if you didn't already know...)
Smithed/Enchanted a nice setup for her including Rings/Amulet etc.
Now it's no big spoiler that a guy in Falkreath sends you to clean out Bloodlet Throne...
A nasty place full of undead! So I took Jenassa.
Equipped with two killer Smithed and Enchanted Elven swords, she bounded ahead like a boisterous puppy.

And she DIED. I was shocked and restored from savegame...
Made it to the big Boss this time - and she fell once again.

She is fearless; suicidally fearless!
You could say stupid, heheh... but suicidal sums it up most concisely.
I stood and stared at her attractive green-skinned corpse, beautifully fitted out in all the Enchanted stuff I had given her...
Took a screen-grab, so I would never forget.

When I restored from savegame once again, it took all my knowledge, skill and guile to get her through and out of there without perishing.
A far bigger challenge than I ever imagined!
She is now safely back in her little chair inside the Drunken Huntsman.

Where she will remain, LoL... for eternity.
Share with us the epic, comical and/or tragic reviews of your favorite followers, here.
Me? I'm flying solo from now on, heheh...