OK, once again, I am reminded of the reason why I always travel alone in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 New Vegas. The followers in Bethesda's games totally svck.
Can Bethesda...
- Make the AI smart enough to go AROUND obstacles, instead of running against a small obstacle and then say "I can't get to that" or something stupid.
- Make a function to make the AI follower park the damn power armour themselves. The player is not only the technician, but also the valet. So much for a "General" of the Minutemen.
- Make the AI smart enough to access the parked suit instead of needing the player to move the power armour a few steps after repairing it for the AI.
- Hell, make the AI repair the damn power armour themselves.
- Make the AI smart enough not to cross the field of view. Seriously, no one does that unless they want to get shot. Even better, make the AI follower actually FOLLOW the player. Not around in circles like an idiot. Seriously. Actually, if the follower actually follows the player, that would solve a lot of problems. A follower follows. Follow = right behind the player and a bit to the side and ready to shoot at raiders, etc. Not run in front up and down like an idiot and spring all the traps.
- Make the AI smart enough to use jet pack. And please try not to use the "Bethesda cheat" and rely on the teleportation too much. It's quite ridiculous to watch the follower teleport everywhere because the AI algorithm is so poor that it is unable to keep up because it cannot negotiate small obstacles and got stuck somewhere.
- Stay means stay. Don't move. Become a glorified turret. That kinda thing. Having an icon on the Pipboy would be immensely useful as well.
- Remote control companions. The mod's available on Nexus for FO3NV (I think). Grab it and make it official in Fallout 4. Quite dumb that in a world where laser guns go "pew pew", people can't communicate with short range radio to coordinate troop/tactical movements.
- Tell AI where to point the gun at. The follower's always pointing at the wrong direction. Cover rear, or point at where the player's pointing, etc.
Seriously, the follower AI is quite useless. Please at least make them stay so that they can be a pack mule. The whole essential settlers and followers thing is a cop out, really.