Followers and Enchantment

Post » Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:04 pm

Just two simple questions:

1. "Can followers use enchanted armors or weapons"? I mean, we can give them enchanted weapons and armors, but are these effective for them? Example, Do the fire/frost damage swords do the same damage when they use it? Or do these enchanted armors/weapons work only for player directed characters?

2. If we put healing potions in the follower's inventory, will it help them when they get weak? Do they automatically consume these potions when their healths are low?

Thanks for your replies!

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sam smith
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Post » Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:50 am

Yes and yes.

Just note that the follower doesn't have the player's perks, so if you have perks that affect the damage output, the follower won't benefit (he/she might have their own perks though, somefollower have).

And give them healing potions you have found or bought, I've noticed that they don't seem to use the player-made ones. Mage followers generally prefer magicka potions. They will also eat Elsweyr Fondue.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:15 am

Followers can and will make use of tempered armor and weapons. As for armor enchants that work on them:

  • Muffle
  • Fortify health/magicka/stamina
  • Fortify health/magicka/stamina regen
  • Resist fire/frost/shock/magic/poison. No idea about resist disease, but it doesn't hurt having them use a shrine every now and then (they can do that)
  • Fortify Sneak may be working too -maybe.

Enchants that won't work, even though they do increase the follower's corresponding values:

  • Fortify combat skill (one/two handed, archery, block)
  • Fortify magic school.

Coming to weapon enchants, I believe all of them work as expected. Followers will also make use of any staves you give them (there were occasions when I saw followers running, grabbing and using a staff they detected).

Interesting. Will keep that in mind, the next time I take one of them along.

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Conor Byrne
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