svck doesn't it. Nothing you can do about it on consoles so we're just gonna have to deal with it i guess. This is the main reason i don't have followers, it completely breaks immersion for me as they trail miles behind me while i whizz away on horesback.
Heck they trail miles behind when I am not on a horse just running down the trail.......
I rarely if ever use followers too. In fact I only just now started even attempting to use them since I abandoned them in November of 2011. Doesn't help that I like stealthing it up and followers seem to live for ruining that.
I played through Bioshock: Infinite recently and I was blown away by how great of a job Irrational Games did developing Elizabeth as a follower, from her animations and dialogue to her ability to keep up with you and most importantly get out of your way.
They should be able to sprint along with us.