Do Followers Level With You?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:53 pm

"Most Followers automatically when you do..."
Why would they say this and then not tell me which followers level and which ones don't? Lydia obviously doesn't. I dismissed her for a long while, when I asked her to join me again (I was at level 45) I gave her a complete set of legendary dragon plate armor and she would go down after only a few arrow shots. Has anyone figured out which followers level?

Lately I asked a Dark Brotherhood initiate follow me. The guide says she specializes in archery, one-handed and sneak. However I've yet to see her pull out the Daedric Bow I gave her, and she will not equip two daggers or swords no matter what. She will only fight with one, I gave her a shield and of course she equipped it but that makes no sense for an assassin to equip a . I really wish Bethlesda would have given us the option to chose what they wear. Seems like such a simple thing to have.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:02 am

I really wish Bethlesda would have given us the option to chose what they wear. Seems like such a simple thing to have.

I wish that when 3 games in a row have something modded in, that Bethesda would actually pay attention and spend a trivial effort to add it.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:28 pm

I've tried a number of things to remove everything they have so I can outfit them myself in more than just Gear that is better than steel, using console commands to target the NPC and removeallitems doesnt work, it leaves them Naked but the moment you try to make them wear say... cloths, the old gear re-appears.

I've heard having maxed out Pickpocketing works but I haven't tried it.

Lydia at the very least is always exactly 6 levels below you, It might vary from follower to follower but I think most of them are auto-leveled but behind you by a few levels.
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:55 am

How do you know she's 6 levels behind? This is the type of thing that the guide should have but doesn't.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:54 am

Lydia at the very least is always exactly 6 levels below you, It might vary from follower to follower but I think most of them are auto-leveled but behind you by a few levels.

No, this isn't true for all of the followers.

I don't think we know what's happening with all of them because I don't know if any one player has taken them all out and collected data on all of them or if the same data has been collected by various players and put together in one place for players to look at.

Marcurio, for instance, doesn't perform that way. I was Level 6 when I hired him. He was at Level 10. When I got to Level 13 he was at Level 13 as well. I'm beyond that now and his magicka continues to level up as we level up. I don't know about his health though, because I set it very, very high in the console. His skills aren't moving though, at least not the ones he uses, but he did move up in a skill I use. But, I've read that other followers health is not levelling up and I've read that Lydia's stats do not "recalculate" whatever that means.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:50 pm

The UESP states that Lydia will level up, but her stats don't update as she does (she forgets to pick her attribute boost!). So the answer to the OP might actually be Yes and No.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:53 am

Lydia's level matches yours, use getlevel command. Her stats are frozen from the time you first meet her. I used the disable and enable command on her and her health went from 150 to 360. Also her skills were all upgraded as well. It's definitely a bug. Some other followers stats level OK like Uthergd's block and marksman skill. So, because of that, I have to conclude that followers are supposed to level up with you.

I'll just need to remember to do the disable enable fix every few levels.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:27 am

Lydia's level matches yours, use getlevel command. Her stats are frozen from the time you first meet her. I used the disable and enable command on her and her health went from 150 to 360. Also her skills were all upgraded as well. It's definitely a bug. Some other followers stats level OK like Uthergd's block and marksman skill. So, because of that, I have to conclude that followers are supposed to level up with you.

I'll just need to remember to do the disable enable fix every few levels.

See I'm on a 360 so I have no id ea what levels they are. Also why won't they dual wield? My dark brotherhood initiate who should dual wield won't. Its absurd having an assassin follower with a shield.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:49 pm

Lydia's level matches yours, use getlevel command. Her stats are frozen from the time you first meet her. I used the disable and enable command on her and her health went from 150 to 360. Also her skills were all upgraded as well. It's definitely a bug. Some other followers stats level OK like Uthergd's block and marksman skill. So, because of that, I have to conclude that followers are supposed to level up with you.

I'll just need to remember to do the disable enable fix every few levels.

Hey Mass, is there anyway to check the stats from the PC console? I can't seem to figure out the command to do so, I just know that getlevel retrieves their level.
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James Hate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:17 pm

How do you know she's 6 levels behind? This is the type of thing that the guide should have but doesn't.

She isn't: she levels with the player between levels 6 and 50. Unfortunately her attributes and skills don't seem to be recalculated properly on level-up meaning that she increasingly lags behind the player as the game progresses, in spite of auto-calc stats being checked. I'm not sure if this bug only applies to her or if it affects other followers too.


Hey Mass, is there anyway to check the stats from the PC console? I can't seem to figure out the command to do so, I just know that getlevel retrieves their level.

"getav health/stamina/twohanded/heavyarmor/marksman" are the most useful; and "modav ..." to add to their current value.
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John Moore
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:35 am

Mjoll seems to level with you just fine. When I first got her as a companion she got shot into the sky by giants just like everyone else, later on when I was level 40 or so, we regularly went hunting mammoths and giants together, and she actually holds her own fairly well.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:42 am

I just don't understand why the guide says *Most* level with you. Why only most and not all? And if most why not tell us?
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 pm

Perfect, thanks for the response Vometia.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:05 am

It has to be a bug or something. They can't honestly intend for us to pretty much hold off on recruiting anyone until we are max level, to get the most benefit from having them around.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:58 pm

Most may mean something like temporary companions do not, which is probably what they meant.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:44 am

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Kevin S
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:53 pm

I really hope this is a bug because my Lydia is starting to become more of a burden than a fighter.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:24 pm

I really hope this is a bug because my Lydia is starting to become more of a burden than a fighter.

+1 !!!!

I have been using Lydia since I recruited her from the start, and was quite proud to have her around. She was able to hold her own in most battles.

But now, she is getting her ass kicked BIG TIME!

I am a level 33 Redguard and could hold my own in battle, and Lydia could be counted on to do the same and help wipe out the baddies. Now, for some oddball reason, she dies at the hand of enemies that should give us no problems. I mean she died from FALMER Guards for kreiss sakes!!! Ditto the random bandit encounter. Then I took her to cough**a certain Dragon fight**cough....yeah, BIG mistake that was! Not only did I have to re-fight it, but after it killed her her body was nowhere to be found so I couldn't even resurrect her via console! I was like WTF?? She is wearing all the default plate armor and is equipped with a fairly strong orcish I don't know what's up with her.

So yeah, I think I'll be traveling solo from now on, because Lydia is pretty gimped now and I think the patch may have had something to do with it. Let her stay home and keep the bed warm for me :D
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:30 pm

You have to equip your followers. I guess you update your armor/weapons, yes ? do the same with Lydia, and she will be a lot more reliable, believe me.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:08 am

Well, I stuck with Faendal because I prefer having an archer for backup. Sure, I pluck a few stray arrows from my Khajiit's tail every now and then, but he's usually a pretty good shot! Right now he has the same bow as my character, a fine Dwarven Bow (except mine has a 10-damage fire proc on it), a two-handed Dwarven Warhammer of Flames, and heavier armor than me. I'm wearing a full set of heavy Wolf armor from the Companions, he's wearing a full set of heavy Steel Plate (each of our armors have a few pieces with +health and +weaponskill enchantments: archery, block and 1-hand for me, archery and 2-hand for him).

When I hired him on, at level 5 or so, he ROCKED! He was one-shotting wolves that would jump us, and nailing bandits to the wall... but now, at level 26, even with all that nice gear a random wolf will tear him down to his knees in two bites -- and that same wolf barely touches me, even if I just stand there, and even though I have less armor than Faendal.

So something would seem to be off -- maybe he's not really using the gear I gave him... or he's not actually getting full benefit from the gear -- perhaps the enchantments don't apply, or the stats are scaled back on an NPC... or he's levelling but not getting the same bonus to health/power/stamina that my character gets... or he's levelling at a reduced rate, perhaps being in the mid-teens while I'm in the mid-twenties... or he's just not levelling up at all with me, and is still the same level 8-10 archer I met in Riverwood twenty levels ago -- which would be really disappointing :(

I'd like to know if we're supposed to be upgrading followers like we do gear, or if we're supposed to stick with one we like and level them up alongside our character. Because for now, Faendal's not good for much other than being a low-capacity pack mule. He waits nice and safe at the door while I go clear the dungeon by myself, then helps me haul the loot back to town to sell, cowering on his knees and begging for mercy every time some random woodchuck jumps out at us... sheesh!
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:37 am

Its on the so I'm guessing its pretty official.

Companion stats (eg health) do not level up correctly when they level alongside the player - they seem stuck at whatever level they got given when the player first got them to join/first met them.

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jessica Villacis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:12 pm

Ok, that makes me feel a little better. Bethesda wouldnt make you 'upgrade followers' like you upgrade gear. They know RPGs and how people can become attached to a person. Its absolutely silly to think this was their intention. That is why I am actively using the 'disable/enable' trick every few levels to keep her fresh.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:36 pm

May I ask, since it's somewhat on topic, and I don't want to create a new thread for just a simple question.

How do I check the stats of my follower? Health, Stamina, even level if it's possible?
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:11 am

May I ask, since it's somewhat on topic, and I don't want to create a new thread for just a simple question.

How do I check the stats of my follower? Health, Stamina, even level if it's possible?

I'd like to know this to and where I can find more of those usefull commands.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:59 am

That is why I am actively using the 'disable/enable' trick every few levels to keep her fresh.

I probably would, too, if I had any idea what the enable/disable trick was.
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