As always in Bethesda games, there's minor flaws that will irritate you. But you look past them because the total game experience is just amazing.
But in Fallout 4 the thing that irritates me more than ever is the followers IA, and I can't look past it anymore. Fallout 4 have the worst followers I ever seen in a Bethesda game.
Followers have always been irritating, but you could stand them.
In previous games I've played (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, New Vegas) the followers usually either stay behind you, or they run towards the enemy like headless chickens.
But in Fallout 4 they do not stay behind you, nor run off, they place them self right in front of you. Blocking your sight and aim.
I do know they are ment to draw fire, and be 'meat shields' for you, but blocking your sight is just putting you in more danger since you can't shoot the enemy because of the follower. I want to be able to aim at my enemies, not to aim up my followers ass..
In previous games, I liked to have the followers company, but in Fallout 4 I can't wait to unlock the followers perk, so I can dump them as the trash they are.
There will soon be mods to fix such problems, but it's really sad that Bethesda have made such crappy followers, which should be an important part of the game experience.
A small thank you Bethesda for an mediocre game experience, and very big thank you to the moders that will fix such flaws in the future..