using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using fomm.Scripting;class Script : FalloutNewVegasBaseScript { public static bool OnActivate() { //Install all files from the fomod and activate any esps PerformBasicInstall(); return true; DialogResult dr = MessageBox("Would you like FALLOUT.INI to be modified to use the default DUI F3 font setup?", "Edit INI", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { string pfx = @"Textures\Fonts\"; EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_1", pfx + "r_BlueHighway_18.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_2", pfx + "r_BlueHighway_20.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_3", pfx + "Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_4", pfx + "r_Headline_Otl_21.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_5", pfx + "Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_6", pfx + "r_Headline_Otl_24.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_7", pfx + "DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_8", pfx + "Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt", true); EditFalloutINI("Fonts", "sFontFile_9", pfx + "NVFont_Test.fnt", true); } if (GetFalloutIniInt("Archive", "bInvalidateOlderFiles") == 0) { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("bInvalidateOlderFiles toggled ON", "InvalidateOlderFiles"); EditFalloutINI("Archive", "bInvalidateOlderFiles", "1", false); } return true; }}
...doesn't work like it's supposed to. It compiles, but I don't get a message box asking for confirmation to edit the INI. Plus I don't know if the INI actually gets edited.
Can someone spot any glaring errors? Like I said, it compiles, so FOMM "likes" the script. It's a copy and paste from Fallout 3 DarNified FOMOD, basically. I just changed the fonts.