This is a set of Premade FOMOD Packs, similar to those released by and or They help you turn a mod's files into a FOMOD in's Package Manager, making installation and uninstallation very easy. is a great guide explaining how to use a Premade FOMOD Pack.
To fix the bug where FOMM's version checking stops working, use by
These PFPs only contain installer scripts, screenshots, and readmes. You still have to download the mod files from their page! The mods' authors' screenshots and readmes are included, but none of their files.
Uses for FOMODs
A FOMOD is a compressed folder which can be installed by FOMM. They show up as a list in the FOMM Package Manager, which also shows the version of the mod and some other information. FOMM will automatically check the version of the mod compared to the version on the mod's Nexus page.
Install Scripts: Some FOMODs have automated install scripts. When you activate such a FOMOD, you can configure the mod's various options, with relevant information and screenshots shown, as you install it. Depending on your choices, FOMM will unpack the right files into your Data folder. (Advanced FOMOD scripts, such as the Unified HUD Project, can do some other things, like editing menu files). Using a FOMOD script is usually clearer and easier than unpacking files directly into the Data folder.
Uninstalling/reinstalling: FOMM will keep track of which files came from which FOMOD. If you want to uninstall the mod, or reinstall it with some other options, it is easy to do so.
Mixing mods: Suppose two mods change the same files (maybe a texture) and you want some from each mod. If the mods are FOMODs in the Package Manager, you can switch between the different versions of a file using FOMM's File Manager.
Hiding unused files: If you are not using some of the optional files in a mod, but think you might want them later, a FOMOD is helpful for keeping it out of your Data folder but allowing you to unpack it quickly when you need it. Additionally, with these scripts, FOMM will automatically check if you have all the required files for each optional feature as you install, so it should be very clear what needs to be unpacked.
Updates: In principle, FOMM also allows you to update FOMODs automatically, replacing all the files with a new version and keeping your load order the same - but this feature doesn't quite always work, at least if the new file and the old have the same name. Instead, it's best just uninstall and delete the old FOMOD and install the newer version, making sure to export your load order first. This is still quite quick.
Any disadvantages to using FOMODs?
Size: If you are very short on space on your hard drive, you might not want to use FOMODs for large mods like NMC's texture pack. Although FOMODs are compressed, they still take up space, which won't disappear when you unpack them (you will have a compressed copy of every file in the mod, in addition to the files you unpacked into the Data folder). However, for most mods, this won't be a problem.
Version dependence: NV Nexus includes the version of the mod in the file name of each file. This is great if you've been using a mod for a while and accumulated a lot of files, but it does impose a limitation on PFPs, which depend on files with one name: they will only work for one version of a file. If a mod updates, you will need to edit the PFP to make it work with the new files, or wait for me to release a new version. I will try to do this very quickly, but I may not be able to.
This is not a problem if the FOMOD files are included in the mod already (as a FOMOD-Ready Archive).
How to install a PFP
Download the PFP, and check the list below to see which files you need. (Usually, all the available files in a mod, but check the list...)
Then, take all the files you downloaded for the mod and put all the files into one folder. Open the Package Manager and click Add PFP.
A window with two boxes will appear, which looks like
Using the three dots, aim the top box at the PFP (don't unpack the PFP!), and the bottom box at whichever folder you put all the mod files into.
Click OK! If the PFP is up to date, and you have all the files, FOMM will make you a FOMOD, which will appear in FOMM's Package Manager. Double click on it and choose the options you want to have as you install the mod.
What can go wrong: If you're missing a file, or the version has changed since the PFP was made, or I've put the file together wrong, FOMM will complain. If you're sure you have all the files you need, please tell me what happened so I can fix it! I will also include instructions for fixing FOMODs below in case I ever disappear.
If FOMM hasn't finished checking the versions of all your FOMODs, it can crash after it has installed a new one! Just wait for it to finish checking all the versions in order to prevent this happening. Your FOMOD will still install correctly, but you'll have to start up FOMM again.
PFPs currently available
Complex scripts
These scripts cover mods with many options or a long list of files to download. They should make installation a lot easier. 2.62 by ApocalypticGirl
There are two versions of this file in the download, with and without the Argon Rifle hi-res textures. If you don't want these textures, you won't need to download the large file.
Also download
if you want it.
This script unpacks the necessary files depending on your combination of WME, the DLCs, Arenovalis/Millenia's textures, and your choices of optional files. 1.094 by jonnyeah
This PFP combines the WME patches into one FOMOD. Using this will require a little bit more time to download some extra files.
This removes a lot of the complexities of unpacking WME options, depending on your loaded mods. It is illustrated by screenshots for almost every option. It includes the now out-of-date patch for Reload. 1.2 by Red Room Service
Lets you preview the different money textures as you install, making the process somewhat easier, and letting you change your mind quickly. On the other hand, you have to download all the money. If you already know which money texture you want, just download that one and add it to FOMM using 'Add PFP'. 1.2 by DonKnotts.
Shows screenshots of every option. Most useful for changing a mix of e.g. TOT, OjoBueno and NMC's pack.
Simpler scripts
These mods are easy enough to install without scripts, but the scripts are useful if you're going to add them to FOMM. 1.4.7 by sean10mm
A relatively simple script, which lets you decide which ammo to use in the renamed That Gun, and whether to unpack the other two options. 2.6.7 by Gopher
Download Adv_Recon_Trap_Detection__v_2_6-39476-2-6.rar
Checks you have the DLCs for the DLC plugin. Lets you choose whether to unpack the optional plugins. by Iain Chambers
This script allows you to select the option you prefer from the seven available and keeps the rest in the FOMOD. 1.3 by Brilliant
Gives you the choice of a version with or without furniture and unpacks the appropriate files. Version3 by Dae
Script includes choice of including the Hardened mesh and the Project Nevada patch (install PN before running this script if you want to use this patch). An odd feature of FOMM is that it deletes the letter 'v' from the beginning of a version string, so inside the FOMOD, the version needs to be written as 'ersion3' for version checking to work properly. 3.0 by EmeraldReign/iz FALKON zi
There are two versions, one of which does not require the download of the Desert Combat Ranger Armour retexture.
...and maybe also...
This allows configuration of the Desert Ranger Armour (checking for Honest Hearts being installed) and the ability to choose optional files. by iLily
This lets you choose whether or not to include the extra plates, with screenshots to illustrate as you install.
How does a PFP work?
To use a PFP, you download one or more compressed archives from the page of the mod you want to install as normal. When pointed to the PFP, FOMM extracts certain files from these archives according to a file called metadata.xml. It will combine these with a folder in the PFP called Premade [name of mod], and compress all of them (the files it unpacked and the files in the Premade folder) into a new archive called [name of mod].fomod. The new .fomod archive is in fact a 7z, zip or rar file in disguise! (The only difference is the extension and the necessary inclusion of a fomod folder)
Inside the Premade folder is a folder simply called fomod. This always contains a screenshot and a file called info.xml. info.xml has information like the author of the mod, the version you have, and a short description.
The other file, in the case of these PFPs, is another XML file called ModuleConfig.xml. This is the install script. ModuleConfig.xml files are fairly simple, and they determine what appears in a menu when you activate the FOMOD and which files to unpack as a result. The design of the menu is built into FOMM, so all FOMODs based on ModuleConfig.xml scripts look pretty much the same.
Some FOMODs have scripts written in C# instead of XML. These scripts give much more control over what the FOMOD does - look at Gopher's FOMODs for examples. None of the PFPs here will use a C# script.