[Flash] Fonts (not) embedding?

Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:59 pm

Whenever I modify files from Mardoxx's https://github.com/Mardoxx/skyrimui , then publish them, without saving, its fine. But if I save/overwrite it as .fla, reopen it, then publish, "System Default" fonts are getting exported (and somewhat embedded in file I think, because the file size increases by ~50%).

  • I'm using the whole setup from "Unofficial Skyrim UI SDK"

  • the files compiled/published from Mardoxx's .fla files, without re-saving, are working fine in game

  • I'm using the Flash CS4

I also noticed that text (such as $HEALTH) that is "hardcoded" in .fla file is using the correct fonts in game, but everything that is set from action script via:

mc.htmlText =

...is defaulting to system fonts. Any idea what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance for any hints!

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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:43 pm

It sounds like you just need to install the fonts used on your PC.

I haven't used that SDK. But, it's probably using Futura Std Condensed to match Skyrim. You can find that via Google, install to your PC (shouldn't need to change anything in Flash), republish and you're good.

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Kelly James
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:30 pm

I know, but fonts arent embedded in SDK files and I wouldnt want to embedd them myself in every edited file.
(something definitely gets embedded anyway, "on save", as the file size increases by ~50%)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but included "gfxfontlib.fla" is supposed to work as font interface for edited vanilla menus, without the need of installing original fonts in our systems. I published "gfxfontlib.fla" and keep both files in my "src" folder.

Also how would you explain that publishing unsaved SDK file looks like this (32kb):

But re-saving then publishing *unedited* SDK file gives that (46kb file):

I checked all TextFields and they are set to use $EverywhereBoldFont and $EverywhereMediumFont
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:48 pm

I'm not familiar with these particular files. So, am working a bit blind here.

It sounds like gfxfontlib.fla is used so that the font only gets embedded into one file. Then the others make use of it rather than embedding each time. But, if you didn't have the font on your PC and you published gfxfontlib.fla, it would not have been able to embed the font.

Not quite sure how you could end up with those two images based on the steps you describe. Maybe the gfxfontlib.fla was published in between without the font being installed? Or, there could be some font config files that lose their connection to the lib when you save.

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Rach B
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:31 pm

You know what, I'm not sure, gfxfontlib.fla doesn't seem to have any embedded fonts either(?) and is just used as placeholder for import/export I guess.

I'm just guessing here, but if my gfxfontlib.fla was messed up, then wouldn't publishing unsaved SDK file also produce this bugged file?

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:41 pm

Yeah. I would think so. Tough to tell what is going on there.

The font is pretty small isn't it? I would just embed the font into the files you edit. Not technically ideal. But, I don't see a substantial downside.

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Taylrea Teodor
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