the hunger system, no matter HOW it is implemented has never worked for me, it STILL hurts me for not wanting to stop everything i am doing just to eat something so i do not get negatives, it still hurts my immersion, it still is a waste of time to do something that has zero effect on character or story developments,
Let me put it this way, When you are reading a book, or watching a movie, do the characters ever stop to eat or sleep unless there is a plot point to it? The only time you ever see characters eat is when there is character or story development and the food is there just to serve as a way to get all the characters together, or as a way for the villian to talk with them, the food itself has no effect here other than as a catalyst. Food as a catalyst to plot does not work in this case, thus it serves no purpose in telling the type of story the game wants to tell.
hunger system is a SURVIVAL GAME mechanic, nothing else, and as RPGs, including the Fallout and Elder scrolls games, are not survival games, they have no place in them.
If i want a survival game, I will PLAY A SURVIVAL GAME.