Version: 0.0
Date: 02/19/2010
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: Fallout: New Vegas
Author(s): The FOOK Team
FOOK - the Fallout Overhaul Kit - is a complete overhaul of FO3, adding hundreds of new items, high quality retextures and many new gameplay features to the base Fallout 3 game. All items are completely rebalanced and fully integrated into the game and the mod has support for all of the Fallout 3 DLCs.
FOOK - New Vegas is exactly what it says on the tin. It is the New Vegas version of the overhaul.
FOOK was originally a compilation of community meshes and textures; consequently, FOOK-NV does not have too much new content yet. Rest assured that we will add more unique content, including new weapons and items, as the New Vegas modding community produces them and give us permission to use them.
FOOK was a learning experience for the entire team. We've taken the lessons we've learned from Fallout 3 and have transferred them over to FOOK-NV. So if you had bad experiences with FOOK in the past, give FOOK-NV a chance. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised.
Parts of that ReadMe were written by non-native English speakers, so please overlook those little errors

We will take great effort to ensure that all additions and changes to the game world are fully lore-compliant, both within New Vegas itself, and within the greater Fallout universe.
This is not a placeholder anymore! The game has been downloaded legally on Steam, played for a few hours and is now edited with FO3Edit (had some crashs but it works).
Vanilla Bug Fixing:
* Mayor Steyn's Terminal (Nipton) will have the right titles associated with the right notes now. Also removed a leftover script reference to the Helios One questline.
* Dog Hide now has a Weight of 1, like the Gecko Hide.
Vanilla Miscellaneous Edits:
* Jean Sky Diving's "Key"is now called, well ... "Jean Sky Diving Key".
Fallout: New Vegas
1. Download and extract the files to a temporary location.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Fallout New Vegas\Data. By default, this is likely to be Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout New Vegas\Data.
4. Start New Vegas Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esm file.
5. Arrange load order. FalloutNV.esm must go first. Without a New Vegas version of the Fallout Mod Manager, it should be okay as long as you don't use other mods.
1. Start the New Vegas Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esm file.
No known issues so far, please let us know if you find any.
0.0, 02/19/2010 - Quickfix release, fixing little bugs discovered while playing the game.
As you guys can see we will work on FOOK for NV and our first focus is to fix the various vanilla bugs. Later on you can expect the stuff that was already offered in FOOK2 and in the meantime we of course like to take suggestions as well as feedback.
You are also welcome to visit our forum ( or our
Besides that I can only say that personally I'm happy to be back at modding FO and that the FOOK team is eager to work on a great mod for NV.