Yes, as I said I installed the latest main setup files, 1.2 with the texture fixes (which also includes 1.0), THEN installed 1.3, so I should still have all the files. Still naked people...ARGH!
Well carp! >_< There's bound to be an explanation about this issue you're having, but I can't even begin to guess as to why you alone are having this problem. In 1.4, many of the unique actors will have their inventories changed via scripts, including Moriarty and the Caravan crew, so hopefully as a side effect your naked NPC's will gain their sense of modesty and put their clothes on.
My Kneecaper is using the mesh for the Jackhammer shotgun, and it is missing the texture. The Vampire's Edge is using the Junk Metal Sabre (I think) form.
Open your load list in FO3Edit and look them up, then make sure there are no conflicts with another mod and check the filepaths of the models associated with those weapons. Something's mixed up or there's a conflict with something else as the above pics should be what they look like.
So... I did some looking on the FOOK forum for bug reports and back tracked here, but I haven't seen anything reported about this issue I encountered yet. I just started a new game with ver 1.3 and found two Raider Captives in the Springvale school. However they will not communicate with me when I try to talk with them. They headtrack me, but just stare mutely when I try to talk. I made sure to clean out the school of all enemies, even the ones outside, but they never spoke with me, so I had to leave them in the school. The one in the entrance room where you first enter on the first floor was also halfway buried in the junk in the cage, so you could only see her from the waste up.
I'm wondering if this an actual problem, or if the captives just haven't had a talk script added yet. If they are supposed to be interactive I can start searching for errors why they're not working properly. But if they are an as yet incomplete feature then there's no point to it.
This is still in beta... Many things will be fleshed out as time goes by. I'll check on that reference as she shouldn't be fused into the junk on the floor. Found her: [ACHR:09A11F46]
were the cheat boxes removed in this latest version?
They weren't. Use the FOOK menu by pressing '=' or ~StartQuest FookQSTQAContainers (doing either will toggle their enable states) and ~COC Vault101Exterior.
You guys are awesome. FOOK looks pretty amazing, and as soon as I get a new computer which can handle FO3 for the PC, I'll play through with this (since a lot of the changes look like they'll make the game more fun. When I played through it on the 360, the game felt a little rushed).
On behalf of The FOOK Team, thanks!

When you get your PC set up with FO3, you're definitely in for a treat.