All the files are in NMM and the load order is correct. When I launch from NMM F3 starts but the slideshow stops at the "standby" slide and that's it. Do I need FOMM for FOOK?
All the files are in NMM and the load order is correct. When I launch from NMM F3 starts but the slideshow stops at the "standby" slide and that's it. Do I need FOMM for FOOK?
Large overhaul mods generally have a specific install procedure, and patches to work with other larger mods. So, go to the Nexus page and read the install instructions, because your probably missing a required support file
I have everything required and I even download FOMM and tried that instead of NMM and the files are installed into the fallout data folder as instructed it works but there are the red exclamation triangles everywhere when I shoot and all over the world. No fix for this has come up in my searches and the load order is correct.
I do not know what FOOK does but my guess is that the game is missing textures. Make sure that archive invalidation is checked. If it is uncheck and then recheck it again.
I downloaded some mods for FO3 some time ago and used the FOMM. As I recall, there were two FOMMs to choose from. One was for FO3 only; the other for both FO3 and FONV. I downloaded and use the one for FO3 AND FONV. When I ran the mods, the game froze. I don't remember at what point. I checked the load order and mod requirements- all fine. So I went back and downloaded the FOMM for FO3 ONLY. The mods worked as advertised. Everything that I installed came from the Nexus. My FO3 is a GOTY edition and I didn't need (nor did I use) Steam. Hope this is of some help to you.
Hey Saunders, I think that may help I'll download the FO3 only manager. I use steam for almost all the games I have so FOMM sometimes interferes with NMM when using mods etc. That's why I was hoping I didn't need it FOMM.
Still didn't work which is odd. I have no idea what the problem is.