why spend 500 dollars on a pc when you can spend 299 on a xbox?
I dunno...better graphics and sound, mods, a PC can do a lot more than run games, etc. To me the question is, "why spend $299 on an Xbox (that can do nothing but run games at low/medium settings) when you can have a PC for $500 (that can do everything a PC can do plus run games at higher settings)?" To me the answer to that question is "simplicity," which is a totally valid reason.
Anyway, I have both.

I just like to play devil's advocate.
Lol @ "viruses" as a reason to avoid PC gaming, though. I've been gaming on PCs for 22 years (gaming overall for longer than that, and I've always had consoles too) and I've never gotten a virus. Ever. I install NOD32 and forget it's there. Done and done.
Also: telling people to "get platform X" to solve their problems on platform y is unhelpful and rude. Please don't do that. People deserve respect and have the right to choose whichever platform they want and have their games work properly.