» Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:55 am
You know why Brazil are so dominant?
Brazil reminds me of the British Navy in the 17th Century...
You see, in the 17th Century, after two centuries of struggle, the British Navy emerged as top dog in the endless world navl struggle for supremacy. From then on it was a case of the snowball effect. Because the British Navy were so dominant in seamanship and naval tactics, no other navy survived long enough against them to gain the necessary experience to fight on an even keel against them in battles. And the British Navy also have a TREMENDOUS reserve of talent in the experience of old naval officers who could teach the new rising generation about the 1001 finer points of seamanship and battles. Therefore the British Navy continued to dominate. Therefore because of this domination no other rival could emerge. And so the cycle went on...
Brazil are so dominant because the young and upcoming footballers of Brazil go up, at the earliest of ages, against home grown world class footballers. Thus by the time the average young brazilian footballer is 15 he has the equivalent of the experience of an average 18-19 year old footballer in other countries. Therefore by the time the rising brazilian star gets on the national team, he has, burned into the software of his brain, an experience of playing that is 3 to 5 years ahead of the footballers of other nations, and reflexes and instincts that have been tuned to a pitch far higher than anyone else. And when he retires, he passes that experience to the next generation. And so the cycle goes on...
There is nothing magic in Team Brazil. If, by some miracle of robotics, it would be possible to create a team of robots which could do a flawless imitation of the Brazilian eleven, then all one would need to do would be to throw the rising youth of a nation against that team from age 15 onwards. By the time they reached 20 and had played 100 games a year - 500 games - against them, out of the combined football youth of that nation you would get 14-24 world class players.