"dear" bethesda" i am very annoyed !!!!
Skyrim is an amazing game, i played it 100 of hours but now i lose the fun completly
after update 1.9 the game freeze and freeze and freeze again and again and again.
i NEVER have problems with freezing before 1.9 - ok maybe 3-4 times, not more.
some days i have 10 freeze in one hour
i read all tipps and tricks how to handle the problem. than, two weeks ago i deinstall
the game and all updates and add ons. reinstall all.. works, no freeze. Fine i can play.
since 2-3 days the freezing problem starts again
example from today:
30 minutes ago i load my save. beeing in falkreach. 2 minutes later a dragon will arrive.
i kill him. i travel to whiterun - dragon attack, so i have to kill again...
than i travel to dawnstar - oh look an beautifull dragon... i′am pissed off...so i reload my save
so start agin at falkreach.. sure with dragon - kill
i travel to whiterun - yes, dragon.. i kill again..
travel to dawnstar, again dragon.. ok i kill him also.. 1 minute later in dawnstar the next
dragon will arrived okay i will kill him too...........
and then ????? hmmmmm ??? yes DEAR Bethesda FREEZE !!!
an now ?? reload again.. and then again dragon dragon dragon dragon and freeze ??
and reload and reload save again again again ?? setup autosave at all possible position ??
disregarding from to much dragon again and again its not longer funny playing
AH !! ok i can deinstall again.. yes sure.. BUT on PS3 i can only download an bought content
2 or 3 times (not sure) - after this i have to pay for it AGAIN ?
So Betheda tell me what can i do ??? you like to transfer me money on my bank account
so i can buy the 3 addons again, maybe over again, for next 3 or 10 times de-/install ??? hmmm ??
or is it possible, that you support again for an correct working and PAID game by your customer
after stop working on Skyrim ???
Maybe for someone it sounds funny and little extrem to hear my complaint, but for me
its an shame to give out an content with so extrem bugs and say "Even though we’re moving on..."
Now i am nosy for an answer by admin of bethesda
Skyrim is at this time unplayable
"Thanks" Sixxx
* hope you understand my problems and my english words