» Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:41 am
First and Foremost: Buy the House in Whiterun. Seriously. DO IT. buy the Bedroom Set and the Alchemy lab. you get spots to stash stuff/sell later type items when shop keepers get more money.
-Thats just an FYI Tip to do regardless of Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Enchanting, Etc-
Back ontopic:
Ebony Ores I only mined once from the one Mine shaft near an Orc Spot. But I mostly buy it because you find two-three rings or necklace thats worth 700 gold, your done, you pretty much paid for like 20-30 iron ingots.
You level up via Lover's Stone or Warrior Stone and make Leather Bracers and Iron Daggers. Just...go out and kill [censored] for leather to make leather strips.
Armor: upgrade it on the Smith Table then Sell it to the person with the most gold.
Weapons: I don't bother making, they usually drop or found in chests after you beat the Bandit Boss of X Fort or X MIne Shaft or X Cave. When you find something you can upgrade to epic/legendary, Sell it. You'll be getting it right back.
Daedric Items: Keep them.
Mostly; I bought all my materials seeing I am banking on Stolen goods to the Theives guild, and I'm great with buying/selling which items to the three shop keeps in Whiterun.
I hate that you can't "Buy" something and start looking at items in your inventory to sell/trade for it...but its all good.
Right now, level 34, sitting at 20k gold and like 95 blacksmithing. Barely did any Mining which would have probably saved me some gold, but I wind up making money easily by just doing Bounties from Tavern Keepers.
Pretty much, Pick up EVERYTHING and trade it. from Iron Daggers to Fur Armor. UNTIL that becomes too small of income/not worth the haul...
My next option is: How much does it weigh vs Price. If the Price of the Item is double the price or for some of the heavier armors, triple The Price of the Weight, pick it up and sell it. Clear out the Fort/Cave/Mine shaft/Ruin, kill everything, haul back the expensive heavy [censored], sell it...then go back and pick up all the little stuff and sell it to their right shop keeps.
1. Don't sell weapons to Belethgor (What ever his name is) in Whiterun, only Circlets/Robes/Jewelry.
2. Sell Some things to the Drunken Huntsman Shopkeep, then when he is out of money,
3. USE That money from Drunken Huntsman to BUY Ore/Ingots, and then Sell the heavy armor/weapons to the chick near the blacksmith stand in Whiterun...
Do NOT BE AFRAID to be overencumbered while in Whiterun, I've yet to have any dragons attack this city while I'm in its walls, same with Riften.
PERSONAL TIP: Do the SIlver-Inn Family Quest in Markarth, he gives you a ring that increases blacksmithing by like 10-15%, the moment you find bracers/gloves that increase blacksmithing aswell.
And no, to the rest of you who put out guides, I did NOT do this to power level, I'm an Orc Raider...I use Heavy Armor, Two-Handed Axes, Archery, One-Handed Axes and Shields.