If this is possible can you please answer to some questions!
Cevat Yerli said via twitter that Crysis 3 "will be more a spiritual successor in gameplay to Crysis 1 instead of Crysis 2." when someone ask him about "will be Crysis 3 an Open world like Crysis 1?" .
1.Can you please say what exactly he mean?
Levels will be horizontal like in Crysis 1 but a bit less? or levels will be vertical but with more ways like in Crysis 2?
Or NYC Liberty Dome (NanoDome?) That we see in the trailer this is our sandbox where we can walk anywhere we want inside Dome?
2. Xbox 360 ver. will be on two discs? (this is probably too early)
3. The game will have multi language? (interested like in Crysis 1 console version with all languages) probably too early
Thanks in advance..