I have not seen it either, but guys who have seen it have said that. To be honest, it's easy enough to see as even crysis 1 is far beyond the reach of consoles

It's also the reason the PC footage in CE3 trailers is advertised as 'next-gen ready', even CRYTEK agree the pc version is a generation ahead!

Anyways, regardless, it's been 6 years of tech advancement since the 360 chip was made (not released!), that's pretty much a definite generation leap there. You must also remember that running at 1920x1080 needs a fair whack more power to do just on it's own, so to improve graphics considerably and run at a 4x bigger resolution with anti aliasing is definitely another generations worth

Check the difference from ps2 to ps3 (not necessarily the ones which pushed the ps3 to the ragged edge, but average ue3 games) and you'll see that, actually, yeah, it's quite easily possible that the PC is that far ahead. The cryengine 3 isn't pushing PC's to the ragged edge either (plenty of headroom even for crysis 1 now), hopefully it'll form the average level of graphics we should be expecting