Here are the System Requirements for Crysis 2
Quad OCTO-CORE intel i29 @ 27.66GHZ Overclocked Cooled with Liquid Nitrogen
Octo SLI Nvidiass GTXs 699 DX14 with Sand tessellation compatible and 5D ready
A level 80 Dark knight
a 28500MW Power supply with 3 Nuclear Turbines
The nanosuit 1 and 2
Over 18 Hats on TF2
6 28" 120hz 2560x1600 monitors
7 fingers on both hands
8x 2TB Solid State Drives
Through the Fire and the Flames Expert 100%
Call of Duty raging Kids Tears? (250ml)
a Degree on Physics from M.I.T.
A Runescape account with at least 10 skills level 99
a Big Mac with cheese
a 25600 DPI Mouse with at least 28 hotkeys
$2000 alienware case
remove kebab
7.1 Speakers
a Hadron collider
Gabe Newell's Glasses
over 1,000 posts on gamesas forums
2.5 KDR on Crysis 1
a 256GB Micro SD
a 50,000 block sculpture on Minecraft
a Bullet Train
Half life 2 episode 3
100,000 subscribers on youtube
Cevat Yerli's hair
a Microwave
7 chickens
a Xbox live username with at least 3 X's and include one of this words "sniper" "pro" "1337" "n00b" "pwn"
and a pair of 3D glasses
Please note that this are the MINIMUM requirements to play CRYSIS 2 on Lowest Settings 800x600 20Fps a special config
Post of the year, so far.