For GTX 460 users, How hot does your card get in Crysis 1?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:49 am

My card: EVGA GTX 460 1GB (not overclocked)

Crysis is the only game i have that will ramp up my card to 90C with the fan at 85-90%. Is this normal?!
I run it on High (no AA) at 1280x1024 with triple-buffer vsync.
None of my other games break 80C and they're all maxed out.
Doesn't seem normal at all. :/
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:44 am

It depends on your case fans & airflow.

One of my buddies have his around the 70 - 76C area when it comes to Crysis 1. He has his fan turned up to 65 I believe.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 am

What case does you buddy have? Mine has one 80mm in the front & one 120mm in the back.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 pm

WTF???!!! did you guys say 70c? i have a 460, overclock it, and still never goes above 50c, but then again i do have a case, but thats only made like a 5c difference,never above 60c, and if you have a problem like that get, MSI AFTERBURNER, you can overclock it, but more importantly, speed up the fan, it WILL make a difference
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Cash n Class
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:52 am

My card hits 85-90c in Crysis with the fan set at 55%. However I did have to jig things around in the case to achieve this and my room is fkin freezin at the moment. Before I messed around with the case it wasn't uncommon for the GPU to go over a 100c and kick in the limiter and fan override.

Here's what you could try. Do a thorough clean of the case to remove any dust from chips, fans and intakes. Try and position your 120mm to pull cold air into the case as close to the GPU as possible. See if you can do some cable management to allow air to move around the components more easily.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 pm

Damn, you people need much better cases.

My GTX 570 is overclocked and never breaks 65C even on extended playtimes and on the harshest games.

Some of you people need to invest in some better case airflow, because 90C will kill off your card pretty quickly.
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John N
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:47 am

Some of you people need to invest in some better case airflow, because 90C will kill off your card pretty quickly.

No.... thermal limit for the GTX460 is 104c that's why the fan override kicks in at 100c. 90c will not 'kill of the card pretty quickly' It may increase the risk of a failure due to thermal expansion/contraction but the actual risk is still small. With SCs if they work out of the factory there likely to work for as long as they're useful.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am

Damn, you people need much better cases.

What cases do you recommend? (ones that have great quiet airflow, but aren't dust magnets)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:49 am

I use a Coolermaster Mystique 632. Mostly because of the minimal design style but it has plenty of features for cooling. I only use one fan in the case to keep it running quiet. Coolermaster make some good cases, you might want to look at the HAF series to keep your system running cool.
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Catherine N
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:36 am

^^ Coolermaster cases are awesome. If you're building your own PC, spending an extra $20-50 on a good case can make a massive difference. I have an eVGA 460 GTX SC edition overclocked from 763/2000 to 825/2200 and it runs Crysis 1 at a maxmimum temp of 78, average of 72, and that's with fans at about 55% so I can't hear them (max settings, 2xAA, 1680x1050, average at 38FPS). If I can recommend anything, (if your case has the vent for it) it would be to place an exhaust fan directly above your card. It won't reduce the core temp directly, but it will help remove some of the static, hot air in your case that doesn't make it from the front and out the back. That's the one thong about these long, dual slot cards - they can disrupt a 2 year old case's airflow because the cases were designed around the older 8xxx and 9xxx (and the ATI equivs) video cards.

Main point: add one or two exhaust fans to your case to help remove hot air. This will reduce your ambient temperature and subsequently help keep your core temps down.

One important thing to keep in mind though for your extra exhaust fan(s), do not have high-speed fans exhausting in the middle of your case! Aim for a fan speed of 600-1200 RPM. A central exhaust fan may disrupt your front end's ability to push air to the back of the computer, causing increased ambient temperatures above your CPU rather than GPU, which you do not want!

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carley moss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:31 pm

@ Jac - HAF series attracts lots of dust and I don't plan on buying canned air every 2 weeks.
Until I figure something out, I'll have to run my card underclocked. 90+ C worries me.

@ kwikfingaz - Thanks for that informal post. How will it be able to control the fan speed?
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:47 pm

ONE LAST THING! try disabling your v-sync. Sometimes that can cause added stress on your GPU.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:00 am

Do you guys think the GTX 460 1GB will be good enough to run Crysis 2 (high res DX11 1920 X 1200) (at least 30 fps) and how about GTX 460 1GB in SLI.
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

Damn, you people need much better cases.

Some of you people need to invest in some better case airflow, because 90C will kill off your card pretty quickly.

Wrong! 400 series cards run hot. Infact it is common knowledge that after a full scale nuclear strike all that will be left is cockroaches and Nvidia 400 series GPU's.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 pm

It is impossible to have a case with great air flow that does not become a dust magnet, trust me.

Anyway, the CoolerMaster HAF series or Antec cases are great.

Personally I use the Antec Twelve Hundred, and that comes with a top 200mm fan blowing down into the case, 2 exhaust 100mm fans at the back pulling air out of the case, and three fans at the front of the case pushing air into the case. There are extra slots to add a fan at the side door and stuff also.

In addition to those fans, the case comes with a filtration system that makes dusting out your system about as easy as just taking out the filter and cleaning the dust off it, and running a rag along your fans inside the PC.

On a side note, I highly recommend you do not use pressurized air cans for cleaning out the inside of your computer. These cans have a liquid coolant to keep the pressure high after air is released, and this coolant can sometimes shoot out and onto your parts, frying them, not to mention the dust doesn't actually leave the system, it just gets blown into harder to reach spots. While it does take a little bit longer, using a rag or small duster gets the job done just as well, and minimizes the risk of damaging your parts in the process.

I did not know the thermal limit of the 400 series cards, but 95C is still dangerously hot! Get MSI Afterburner and create a fan profile, you can customize your card to increase or decrease its fan speed percentage based on temperature, and it's a great tool for overclocking also.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:51 am

Do you guys think the GTX 460 1GB will be good enough to run Crysis 2 (high res DX11 1920 X 1200) (at least 30 fps) and how about GTX 460 1GB in SLI.

SLI 460s will max the game easily if you have a good CPU that won't bottleneck the cards (since SLI 460 > 580 and 580 gives 60FPS fully maxed when paired with a 2600K sandy bridge CPU). And yes, this is official. Cry-Adam used this setup at GamesCon or something. Best part of SLI 460s is that they are faster and cheaper than the 580! WOOT!

And @ the dude who said 4XX will survive the a nuclear apocalypse, that was the 2XX series. The 4XX should load between 70-80 at stock settings, moderate airflow and decent ambient temps.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 pm

Idk guys. I think my card is having serious problems unrelated to case airflow. Stock clocks, 95C in Crysis, 100% fan speed.. The only way I can keep it safe is if I underclock it big time. I should put the entire computer in a refrigerator! Crank the temp down to 10C and game away!!! =D
I can only wish -_-
F**k, I hope i don't have to RMA this card a second time. Temps never were this bad last month and before. Wtf is going on!?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

Well, given what I said previously - that does seem odd. With the fan running at 100% it must sound like a jet engine in your case.

What is the ambient temperature of the room the PC is in. Try running with the case door off and report back what the temps are then. Also what are you using to monitor temps?
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:39 am

Sure does sound like a jet engine.

Room temp is 78 - 80F. Monitoring with MSI Afterburner. I have tried with doors off, plus I had this blowing on the card -- -- Made no difference. So cooling isn't the issue. It's retarded EVGA. Tonight I did a little research on them and found out their EE cards overheat a lot. Thanks for your concern but I think this is all EVGA's fault.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:28 am

Idk guys. I think my card is having serious problems unrelated to case airflow. Stock clocks, 95C in Crysis, 100% fan speed.. The only way I can keep it safe is if I underclock it big time. I should put the entire computer in a refrigerator! Crank the temp down to 10C and game away!!! =D
I can only wish -_-
F**k, I hope i don't have to RMA this card a second time. Temps never were this bad last month and before. Wtf is going on!?

reapply thermal compound and clean the heatsink.

i recomend arctic silver 5
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:43 am

I have an ASUS ENGTX 470 I keep the fan at 100% for games like these I'm sure the 460 will get around maybe 50-60-70 c I get around 50c.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:37 am

A 78-80F ambient temperature is pretty high, but i don't think it would be the cause of your cooling problems as its not too high.

You can try reapplying the thermal paste on the card if you know how to do that, or RMA the card and hope for one that doesn't svck at cooling.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:45 am

How many RMAs can I do? Are they unlimited?
I just bought on Ebay some IC Diamond 24 Carat. It's the easiest stuff to apply. I'll post back results after i've used it.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

How many RMAs can I do? Are they unlimited?
I just bought on Ebay some IC Diamond 24 Carat. It's the easiest stuff to apply. I'll post back results after i've used it.

As long as the RMA's have actual merit, you can do them as many times as you like. There actually has to be a valid reason for it though, in this case overheating is a valid reason, unless your case has inadequate airflow in which case the video card has nothing wrong with it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 pm

Pretty sure the card is overheating. I've had it for 6 months, everything was fine, then last week it started acting up
Well, can't wait to see what miracles the IC Diamond will do.
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