Verdict so far.
Great game. Currently have a 2.5 KDA and a 75% win/loss ratio lol. I imagine that will come down as people adjust to the learning curve. But it might even go up once I learn the left anolog stick is not the right one when blocking lol. Seriously, I only just realized I'd occasionally try and use the wrong stick for blocking during some of the more intense moments. Derp. Warden is amazing on dominion. I've thrown at least several dozen people to their deaths and I love the anti-gankling mechanics (revenge mode, auto-blocking attacks from all the people around your target based on holding block in their direction and environmental usage like choke points and narrow bridges). Skirmish is gank fest central though and I've never seen more Orochi than in that game mode lol. The Orochi is very easy to play for me but I'm enjoying Warden a lot more. You run as a pack or you die, unless you are a Warden. Then just throw all of them off the edges.
The realistic story mode (max difficulty) is sort of a joke in difficulty when compared to lvl 3 bots lol. Haven't even died yet and I'm on the third mission, which isn't just a map from multiplayer like the first two.
So far the story itself is pretty good and is not just a throw away single player campaign like some were expecting, myself included. The back story is still just an excuse for Vikings, Samurai and Knights to fight, but if you don't expect much there, the rest of the story is pretty good up to the point I'm at. Kind of just assume there is a sensible reason for 13-14th century knights, 15th-17th century Samurai and 9th-11th century Vikings fighting each other (period is roughly based on my observations in the technology present). Just assume it makes sense that they are all in the same time era and have had no technological advancement or significant cultural change for over a thousand years. Just ignore that bit. It really isn't important.
Seriously, I have a masters in History and I'm perfectly fine with this game, yet there are oodles of people throwing fits about historical inaccuracies when the very setting itself would have no chance at all of being possible. There are even people upset that there are female warriors because they erroneously believe that there were no female warriors in history. Despite the Nobushi being entirely possible with historical documents relating stories of skilled female warriors in Japan who were of the Samurai class and that specialized in the use of the Naginata. Then you have the Peacekeeper, which is just a Ubisoft nod to Assassin's Creed and is in no way meant to be historical. Finally we get to the Valkyrie, which is a [censored] mythological sect of warrior women who chose who lived and died on the battlefield. Pretty sure they don't care about being entirely historically accurate. But people like to nitpick about stuff they know very little about.
Some gamers are [censored] stupid. I'd say people, but no one gets upset about incredibly trivial stuff like gamers do. /rant
Sorry, been hearing crap like this for a week now and had to vent a bit to what is mostly a sensible crowd.
