Well, if you want, you could take a healing ability that uses stamina, like blood altar from the undaunted.
Well, if you want, you could take a healing ability that uses stamina, like blood altar from the undaunted.
I don't particularily like that one, simply because of the cast-time and the synergy (it stops teammates from attacking for a good second or two)
But after re-reading the first morph - it might be a good idea, 40% extra healing to teammates standing in the area (if I read that correctly)
Now I have to pick between sword+board, dest staff or sanguine altar!
Thanks for the ideas bub
For my healer I'm going resto staff for primary. For secondary I'm taking up a bow and going hardcoe vampire/werewolf killer.
Bear in mind the boost it gives is subject to soft capping, it's much weaker than the 80% suggests especially on someone who has already stacked regen. I didn't stack any health regen and the benefit I got was only about 40% in total.
Oh... I didn't even notice the cast time lol
But yeah, the time they lose is only if they really need it
And the best part is the duration... whole 27 seconds if I'm not mistaken
Good luck figuring out what you want
Oh yes, I was too aware of those damned soft-caps XD
But, in my opinion, the 40% one might get from it is still worth it in comparison to me spamming other heal skills - like lingering ritual for AOE heal
I suppose if I REALLY knew what 'mutagen' did I might look into it
I wish ZoS would post an official video that showcased (and explained) what EVERY skill+morph did - like...does mutagen mean that "when an ally goes to 'low health' they are immediately healed for 'rest like they would have over time'?
Alot of the skills seem a little vague as to what they PRECISELY do (and I don't really want to level destruction staff to max only to find that the last skill doesn't REALLY do what I read the tooltip says it does, for example)
Mutagen always heals for the same amount. I actually went with Rapid Regeneration, which basically gave people ~16 HPS for ~16s, compared to ~4 HPS for ~7s with Restoring Aura (and again, this is with minimal soft capping).
Mutagen is really a better choice than Rapid Regen (the HPS difference is something like 2), but I figured as a dedicated healer I didn't really need an emergency heal when I'm using Honour the Dead; and my philosophy is more keeping allies full rather than only healing them when they're about to die.
Mages guild Equilibrium(hp to mp) + Restoring Aura pretty much solved my problem with Magicka without having to stick with a stick.
You can't directly compare Restoring Aura with Restoration. Restoring Aura has a stamina regen component as well, and that is obviously going to factor into the strength of the heal, which is less than pure HoTs. Restoring Aura also has a passive effect which is always active on the player, giving it yet another component which must be factored in when balancing it against other heal/support abilities.
Personally, I see Restoring Aura as more of a tanking tool than a healing tool. Healers might prioritize placing better direct heals on their hotbar, but a tank or a physical damage dealer who can put the stamina regen to good use might like it, especially if they have a healer in the party who is already using direct spot heals.
I kind of have the same philosophy - my build has 2 'real' heals; one AOE and one single-target (aside from my ultimate, which I use when I run out of magicka or EVERYONE is dying)
The two other skills I have are mainly for support/buffs
I just need a last (preferably weapon) skill, and I can't decide :<
Oh crap I totally forgot about that skill - that might be a good way to get magicka back (as you state you did)
Restoring aura increases my HP regen, then when run out of magicka I can use that, get rid of some HP, and be able to continue healing while (rather quickly) increasing my health.
The only problem is, this would mean I STILL don't have use for any weapon, other than the passives from resto-staff and sword+board for the shield :<
This is essentially why I use restoring aura - not for myself, but for my teammates' benefit (and as a tertiary benefit to me due to shorter engagements)
I did it to level 17. It does work in execution because Regeneration gives about 14 - 16 HPS for 16 - 20s, by itself it can heal off a lot of minor, accumulating damage without requiring you having to waste a Lingering Ritual on. Overall it saves you a lot of magicka.
Note that the only skill I use from Resto staff is Regeneration. It's just that good. You wouldn't use Grand Healing or Steadfast Ward because Healing Ritual and Rushed Ceremony fulfills roughly the same roles.
As a healer you really shouldn't be spamming heals, if you do either you or your group is faltering.
The strength of the stamina regen is the same as the health regen. The health regen for me is 4 HPS, how much do you think the stamina regen is? The 15% is paltry, for me personally it translates to 1 HPS.
I do agree it is better for a tank rather than a healer. Especially with the Repentance morph.
It depends on your playstyle. If you really want to be the king of single-target healing, you may want Regeneration and Steadfast Ward in addition to Rushed Ceremony.
Personally, I'm a fan of Grand Healing as it can be morphed to return magicka for each ally affected. I'll likely be using a Restoration Staff for that ability, if nothing else.
Get 2 handed with the arcane fighter perk for constant status effects =P, only fun thing i can say if you plan a full healer without weapon skills.
I can see your point for the first part - it WOULD negate a bunch of 'minor' damage, and at a relatively low cost it's arguably the best skill for that
I just don't really like it because I already start every engagement with restoring aura + ring of preservation, so I'm already at like a quarter less magicka than max, if I had to spam regen (at least) 2 (up to) 4 times, I'd basically go into the fight with
1) a very short (like 2-4 second restoring aura for me and teammates)
2) no magicka
But I disagree with your second point - as a dedicated healer with no weapons (right now ) all I can do is spam heals
I typically spam restoring auras and rings tbh, but when I SEE that [censored]'s gunna go down I spam those lingering rituals for all they're worth xD
Haha, that might be fun - get cleave with that damage shield and just go H.A.M with the burning/shock effects
How much magicka does one get back per player?
Is it immediate, or over time?
This might be a viable option, because I COULD run out of magicka at any moment, it'd be nice to have a skill that gave enough back to make it viable
Regeneration is hardly single-target healing, it's a group buff. Two castings covers your entire group without taxing your magicka reserves (no more than casting Restoring Aura, which lasts for a much shorter duration).
If you're using Rushed Ceremony you don't need Steadfast Ward, they serve roughly the same purpose and Steadfast Ward is weaker (for the same cost).
If you're a Templar, Healing Ritual is more powerful and more efficient (even with Healing Springs) than Grand Healing. It's true Healing Ritual has a cast time and doesn't work for emergencies, but the same is true for Grand Healing's HoT and besides for emergencies you should be using Rushed Ceremony/Steadfast Ward. The only reason I can think of to use GH over HR is personal safety: HR is risker due to its range and cast time.
It restores a tiny amount of magicka for every ally healed. I'm unsure if it only applies once per ally or for every tick of healing, I imagine it is the latter as the former makes it not particularly worth it. Even if it is the latter however it isn't more efficient than Lingering Ritual.
I see, but tbh I'm not really interested in "what sounds better on paper"
Like, if you look at my skills I've posted in a link in this thread, I have space for one more skill
The benefit of this Grand Healing would be the 'gain magicka for each ally in the area" - not for the effectiveness of the heal
So basically, what you're doing is arguing (more like rationally discussing) "this heal is better than that heal, so use the former, not the latter"
But what I'm trying to find out is what ELSE can I use to supplement my playstyle (preferably in the form of a weapon skill)
I have two options; either USE a weapon or DON'T
If former, which one and why
If latter - clearly I'll use the sword+board for that shield (assuming passives work WITHOUT the weapon equipped...if not I'd use the resto staff)
The former being my main question, which I desperately want help on haha
Can you provide a link to these patch notes? I can't seem to find them
If true, this makes me sad :<