W'o'o'd'e'n' F'u'r'n'i't'u'r'e' For S'a'l'e' U'K'. W'o'o'd'e'n' F'u'r'n'i't'u'r'e' is the most basic and easy to obtain type of F'u'r'n'i't'u'r'e' in the game. The basic pieces are crafted with Wood, and more advanced pieces can be created by combining wood with other materials. In a'p'p'e'a'r'a'n'c'e, they are very basic, plain, and lack any unique style. It is an excellent starter material, but if you care about looks, other materials would serve better. All W'o'o'd'e'n' F'u'r'n'i't'u'r'e' can be placed, and has Wood as the primary ingredient.