For the RP'ers; does your character live by a set of rules?

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:15 pm

My thief is based off of Elminster, before he became wizard-extraordinaire.

He won't steal just because he can, he occasionally gives any extra to those who need it, if someone is being a jerk or deserves to be stolen from, he'll jack everything from the house. He looks down on thieves who steal just because they want to. He loves that sensation of pulling off something big (my OB thief nearly creamed his pants when he stole the Elder Scroll). He might lift something from a wealthy merchant, who's only care is gold, then leave the payload on the step of a struggling family.

So all in all, he does it mostly for the sport, occasionally to teach a lesson, and sometimes when he gets bored. He's not evil though, he'll help out a merchant in trouble, instead of watching from the bushes and "acquiring" his wares.

I also have an assassin based on Artemis Entreri, those of you who know who he is will know what my assassin is like.

I have played a playthrough where I powergame, but I usually do that on FPSs, not RPGs.

So, does your character live by a set of rules/morals/obsessions?
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:59 pm

Slash anyone who insults you..Drink atleast 3 mugs of ale every 2 days and Steal and loot as much as possible(Im a barabarian) And make a offering to the nordic version of talos(Forgot his name) once a month!
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:37 am

The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!
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patricia kris
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:21 pm

Yes. For one he's not a sociopath like a lot of these other player character will be. Two, he'll probably be a thief but only if he's sure he'll get away with it without being caught or anyone being hurt(physically). Lastly he'll have some sense of loyalty, and sense of responsibility. So he probably won't betray someone, or a group just because its convenient at the time, unless he really dislikes that person.

So to answer the question I guess he'll do what I would do/could do. Oh, and he'll probably be a Argonian, or Khajiit mage.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:50 am

EXTREMELY loyal to the Nine, would not deal with any Daedra, and also would only be in combat if his life is at stake.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:07 pm

I have a class that I developed in Oblivion. Basically a Night Blade "template" if you will. The character is loosely borrowed from the Elric stories.

However, she can only use certain types of Spells. In the Destruction category, she can only use Frost and Lightning Spells, and any spells that corrode. In alteration, she uses spells that offer protection, or augment her abilities to fight in combat. She can't use healing spells (But can manufacture healing pots)

She draws her power through enchanted 2H swords that she makes. (Enchanting) She pursues Alchemy, and spell craft to improve her powers through her sword.

She collects and looks for Alchemical and magical items/artefacts to improve her power.

She is not evil or good, but power hungry. She despises Necromancy as she sees it as a perversion of magic.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:51 pm

I do what I wish, when I wish. And a big screw you to anyone who stands in my way; be it Empire, Divine, or Daedra.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:47 am

Eligius Dalas does never hurt anyone or anyone that haven't done anything bad, anyways. My character Emi Amaterasu will not hurt ANYTHING that hasn't attacked her first. And she will NEVER EVER hunt if she doesn't REAAALLY need it. And she has an obsession with looking good, and having Dyed hair instead of natural.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:10 am

This one time at band camp in Oblivion I created a Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction character who became obsessed with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. She secretly killed any woman who looked at him and watched him while he slept. :drool:

Seriously tho, I try to stick with my preset morality guidelines with each character but it doesn't always play out that way. My psychopathic murderer might develop a soft heart, or my do-gooder hero might decide she just "has to have" all them pretty silverwares from the chapel. :whistling:
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:14 am

The only rule is to survive. Even if this involves the occasional quick-load!
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:55 am

So, does your character live by a set of rules/morals/obsessions?

Yes, because I consider my primary characters an extension of my real self. I only do things that I would do if I were really in the game. The only time I have veered away from this, is with an assassin build. I made a dunmer assassin in order to see how well done the dark brotherhood and thieves guild were as well as other shady quests. That is probably the only time I have detached myself from the character, but even then I was never roleplaying a psychopath with disrespect for life.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:03 am

Yes, my Rp characters have rules, but I rarely make specific rules before I actually create the character.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:18 pm

The only rule is to survive. Even if this involves the occasional quick-load!

I'm actually trying to get myself out of the quick load habit. It takes it out of the experience when I constantly reload when trying to pickpocket a guard.

I think for Skyrim, I'm just going to pay the fine.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:57 am

My two vampire characters, male and female, go by their own code of morals. That true power was not through peace and passivity, but rather by living in strife. They believed it was their passion for desires such as anger, hatred, fear - that fueled their power in battle. They sought true knowledge and power through battle and study. Improvement through Conflict per se. Since they are from the Order(Cyrodilic vampires), they follow Clavicus Vile and Molag Bal. Molag Bal is known for having his followers to spread seeds of discord.

Both of my characters believe conflict leads to improvement of both individuals and organizations. Conflict breeds transformation, growth, adaptation, and evolution. Conflict ensures that the strongest survives. Like the world around them, as stronger organisms flourished and weaker ones died off. They believe without strife, there would be only stagnation. And violence is their ultimate meditation. Also, they often use manipulation and deception to rise above others to achieve true perfection, even at the cost of lives in the process. They won't kill for pleasure, only if they can profit and gain from a person's death or if they are just hungry for blood. And they believe that evil is a point of view.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:16 am

When RP-ing, I just convey my moral compass onto my characters personalities, so I just do what I think is the best course of action. Such as if it involves something like killing a bunch of innocents and if I thought it would be inappropriate or unnecessary for my character to do so, I wouldn't do it. But if the ends justified the means, and say I got a unique Daedric artifact for killing the several innocents, I would likely do it.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:52 am

oh and my alighment is choatic neutral
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:05 am

He might lift something from a wealthy merchant, who's only care is gold, then leave the payload on the step of a struggling family.

This got me thinking... If you drop some gold, say in the middle of the living room of a NPC's house, and then leave, will they pick it up and use it?
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:09 am

It's hard for me to answer these because I've had so many characters.

I'll go with one and just choose Sont.

Sont lives by a rule that he's very simple in what he expects from people, and what he asks for in return. He'll never resort to killing a person unless his own life, or the lives of many, are threatened. Because of this, though, he's very underachieving, he finds very large responsibilities stressful, so instead of rising to something "greater than himself" he just sort-of drifts from place to place. He knows that he's a pretty strong person, because of all the odd jobs he does like cutting wood and mining, so he actually is very unwilling to get into fights in the first place because he doesn't want to hurt people. He's always afraid of stepping on somebody's feet or accidentally bumping into someone. When he's drunk, however, that kind-of goes out the window, so he tries not to drink too often, although sometimes he ends up doing it and causing fights.
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