For the first time, I'm undecided on the CW issue.

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:58 am

C'mon, I know you were missing these.

But in all seriousness, I've always been on the Empire's side but these days I can't tell which side is better anymore.

I'm currently playing my Nord Dragonborn for the third time, and since he is my main I can't have him join a side I might regret later.

So, I'm leaving him for last. After I've played my remaining characters I'm keeping on hold (some joining the Legion and others the Stormcloaks), I will finally make up my mind on where he should stand.

I'll start with my cons.

Personally, I don't see any great reason to distrust those who say that lust for power, as the filthy thing we know it, is the main motive behind his ambition.

I also have yet to see an argument that could convince me that the Argonians situation in Windhelm is justifiable. Some speculate Ulfric is concerned about them, but I need to see canon evidence, as in npc statements.

Others say they had it coming, but living in misery can drive you into thieving. And the way Scouts-M.S. puts it, it seems to be motivated by anger at their employers as well.

The Dunmer subject is more open to debate since some non-Nord citizens think they should try to earn the Nords trust instead of complaining, but I don't see how they're lazy or why they're supposed to join such a Nord centric war.

The pros: It seems to me that Bethesda really may be taking the End of the Empire route. In the DB DLC, Adril Arano tells you that Morrowind was abandoned by them during the Oblivion Crisis. It's funny because this fact didn't exist prior to the DLC, so Beth didn't really need to add yet another province among those that hate the Empire and another crime to the Empire's record.

And I don't think Ulfric is faking his Thalmor hatred or his passion for his homeland. So to a certain extent, I believe he's fighting for what he claims to be.

The accusation of murder clearly isn't true, as even Sybille Stentor confirms that it was a duel following Nordic tradition.

Sometimes I find that Stormcloak followers like Roggvir, Ralof and the Greymane family draw a lot of sympathy as well.

Still, I don't agree with Ulfric's attitude in certain moments, namely his bullying of Elisif (Season Unending). There is no honor in mocking your slain enemy's widow. And after taking over Solitude, Galmar comments on the part of the speech where he says he can't take the mantle of High King, like "well played".

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:47 am

Flip a coin and then decide. It's easiest way to pick a side.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:04 pm

I've played the Civil war through from each side. But on most of my Characters I never do it at all. I feel like the Dragonborn's job is to kill Dragons, not to take sides in a fight that only benefits the "Evil Ones" (Thalmor). I feel like the White Gold Concordat was designed to set up round two of the Great War. Nothing creates unrest like suppressing people's chosen religion. The Dragonborn should remain neutral and take care of Dragons (as Jon Battleborn would say "that's a real problem").

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:34 am

Well, for a Nord in Skyrim, it seems that joining the Stormcloaks would be a 50/50 chance. You just have to see which would be better. Would it benefit for the Nords alone? Or do you have the other races in mind?
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:51 am

Oh yes, the impartiality of chance. :wink:

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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:11 am

Don't forget the beard factor :wink:

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:44 am

Of course, never forget the beard.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:40 am

Better idea.

Blast Nazeem into the air and see if he lands face up or face down. Much better that way.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:02 am

It is hard to pick a side, because neither side is the right side.

Though I find the Stormcloak's cause to be a mass, self-inflicted genocide, as they are foolishly weakening both the Empire and their own defenses, making the Thalmor's invasion much easier. But that's my opinion.

The best side is your own side.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:25 pm

Brilliant. I am going to do this when I have a 50/50 choice thingy.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:04 am

Ask Boethiah, for he knows the answer.

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Stephanie I
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:17 am

Why are these people having a war when there are all these tombs, caves, ruins, vaults, forts, and towers full of gems and gold? Oh, and why don't they seem affected at all by the dragons? And why don't they smith upgrade their weapons and armor, at least just a little?


Either side should try to ally with Forsworn by making promises. Look how strong briar hearts are.

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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:53 am

What do Argonians and Dunmer have to do with a civil war of the Nords? Out of the many deciding factors those seem to be the weakest not to choose a side.
I side with the rebels even though I don't like Ulfric and that's because I despise Tullius, the milk drinking emperor and his Imperial army even more then Ulfric. They're both unworthy of my axe but Ulfric has rallied my kinsman to a good cause even if his motives are crap so I fight along side the true sons and daughters for a sovereign Skyrim free from elven and wimperial law :P
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:46 am

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:08 am

What is?
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:37 am

Alduin... I offer myself to you. Eat me please, and rid me of this petty conflict of primitive savages and their heretical beliefs.

If you're undecided then stay neutral. Let the two sides kill each other.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:22 am

Both are valid, which is infuriatingly good design: well played, Bethesda.

There is one point I would offer in addition. I know that Legate Rikke and the hated Imperial Captain are both women, but I can't think of any other female Legionaries. The Stormcloaks, on the other hand, feature female soldiers as commonplace and not just occupying token positions. There is Angela Murard, but she is only referenced and not seen ingame. Neither has their 'regular' camp commanding field officers as women, but I reckon the Stormcloaks seem, on the face of it, to be inclusive in gender (if obviously not in race).

Just something else to think about.

I also differentiate them on demeanour and approach, re: discipline, fighting styles; but that's a whole can of worms.

Personally? My gut says 'Stormcloak', head says 'Empire (for now)'. Nomsayin'?
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:34 am

Take what Adril says with a heavy dose of salt. (Retcon, anyone?) As anyone who has played through the Oblivion MQ may recall, Chancelor Ocato refused to recall any troops from the provinces to deal with the Oblivion Crisis in Cyrodiil.

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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:31 pm


The result of the civil war will decide whether Ulfric will sit on the throne or not. You need to fully trust the guy if you're gonna join his side.

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:32 am

There are 2 female battlemages at Helgen, and a dead female soldier in Nchuand Zel. Theyre supposed to have more female legionnares but 11/11/11.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:29 am

Any of my previous arguments get through op? :wink: I don't see what is wrong with mocking someone for actual faults. I could see if Ulfric mocked Elisif for Torygg's death, but he's mocking her for being a puppet. The woman is very stupid after all. She deserves to be mocked:

Elisif: "Steward, I have an idea that might help to bolster the morale of our people in this difficult time. I think we shall have a grand parade, and let march his troops from the Blue Palace to in all their finery."
Falk: "What a... fine idea, my Jarl. However, I would suggest we wait until the has ended. After all, the General needs his soldiers out in the field, fighting battles against the"
Bolgeir: "I must protest, my Jarl. A parade would make you an easy target for a Stormcloak assassin. You're safer here in the palace."
Elisif: "Oh, very well. I can see there's no changing your stubborn Nord minds. But when this war is won, I will have my parade!"
Falk: "Yes, my Jarl."

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:19 am

Elisif is also one of the few to take her subjects' complaints seriously. The whole "lololol she dumb" thing kind of falls apart; she's naive, not an imbecile.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:42 am

No arguing there. :D

Elisif IS a joke as a jarl. Even General Tullius tells her to shut up in Season Unending, and she actually does.

But it's a bit different with Ulfric because he technically still is the slayer of that widow's husband, even if it was in a traditional duel.

If he's going to insult Elisif, the point should be to call her out for her weakness and incompetence, rather than just doing it for the sake of it.

Elisif is a good person, just not leader material.

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:27 am

Well guys, Elisif is like what? Twenty years old or something?

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:25 am

Well she should take her like twenty years old ass off the throne and read or something.

*inb4Nordsdon'tread/havebooks* Yes they do. Anyway, she's clearly not fit to rule.

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