» Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:31 pm
Oblivion Style Level Scaling - Every counterpoint possible has been said a hundred times already in this thread, I'll just sum it up to say that Fallout 3 is a much better way of doing it.
Leveled Quest Loot - Aside from maybe some of the more dynamic Radiant Story, leveled quest loot is terrible, it completely ruins the drive to quest before the soft cap (Where scaling stops), and is entirely a negative point for Oblivion, literally nothing redeeming about it.
Lack of Weapon diversity - Both in an aesthetic and practical sense. Every weapon felt pretty much the same, with exception given to Archery - Hand to hand - Melee, and the overall lack of design variety was depressing, coming off the orgy of diversity that was Oblivion.
Armor System The Damage resistance system in both Oblivion and Morrowind never really felt right. Leaving the game too open to battles that last way too long. While occasionally, a long battle is great, if every battle is seemingly an hour-long slash fest, it quickly gets boring. This isn't an idea thread, so I'll stop there.
Samey Races Aside from maybe a glued on tail, and a different face, there was no real difference between an Argonian and an Imperial. From what I've seen, this has already been fixed, as the difference between a Dunmer and a Nord is so striking, one can only assume and hope, that the Argonians and Kajhiit are even more different.
Terrible Stealth Open-world games are such fertile ground for great Stealth gameplay, unfortunately, it's never been realized, though we've seen steady evolution. Morrowind, the stealth was laughable at best, Oblivion stepped it up a tiny bit, but difficulty wise, it was too easy to exploit the stupid AI, Fallout 3 evolved it even further, but still suffers from the "Oh, you shot my friend right in front of me, no prob brah, I'll just go back to idle 2 seconds later" spam.
That's all I got so far.