Yeah I know sunlight does not afflict the character but I was suggesting it could.. Far as lag and other type issues causing the loss of the affliction , that is the risk you take to become one for that character... I say loose the affliction for only that character, you could always role again and try again.. Plus going into battle should be very risky as such a character and cause you to be more cautious when playing the role...
Vampires and such did not just run around without concern or consequences in lore anyhow.. They always tried to remain hidden and secretive for many reasons, one was they would be hunted down and exterminated, so yes making it harder would fit naturally to the role.. I was just throwing out my opinion on one way of dealing with these type of roles, good or bad does not matter nor am I saying to put this in this game..
Far as it wouldn't work or be accepted by the player base due to online, I actually disagree if you build the system to the community fully knowing this upfront it actually works more then you would think.. I saw other games that never saw the light of day that were going to implement said systems and they had huge player followings and acceptance to the design. So there is a player base out there that would accept it if done properly.