@Thorn When it comes down to gaming laptops, Asus are good, but MSI are better. Sorry im not sure where to go if your in australia.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152230 is what you want, although you will have to find someone who sells it in australia. Btw, its like half the price even though its better :/ not sure why.
I have never seen the MSI laptops on sale here in Australia Looking at its components, it would be slower than the new Asus G73 I linked to for these reasons. GTX285M (MSI) compared to GTX460M (Asus G73), I7 740QM (1.73 gighz, MSI) compared to I7 2630 QM (2.0 gighz, Sandy Bridge,Asus). Also the Asus G73 is running 1TB Hybrid Solid State Drives which apparently are VERY fast looking at the reviews?
Correct me if I am wrong I was just comparing the specs between the 2, the Asus G73 is the latest in its gaming range only came out this year. full HD display and a Blue-Ray writer too.