With the old Goodsprings exploit perk now for ps3 users and to some extent xbox users (the level cap stops at 45 if I read right) there are alot more options for building an uber character; if that's your thing. I had several good springs saves and as the DLC came out I would play with perks and figure out the best way to max skills. By combining the DM agility exploit and making sure your agility is set to 6 or 7 before starting good springs you pick up any perks that require a higher agility (and charisma for that matter) before you start a new build because when you leave Goodsprings and are asked to rebuild your stats agility and charisma become dump stats so set them to 1 and put your points elsewhere; this also means you might not have to take to many "Intense Training" perks to up other stats.
Also contrary to what the wiki says you can put 9 into Endurance and with the E Implant you get to 10 and it will let you get every implant available. Maybe it only works on the PS3, so if xbox users complain sorry but I only tried it on that system. I set my Intelligence to 9 so I could get the implant and make it count but it also makes it so you have less skill points when you initially leave Goodsprings. Trust me you get enough books from the DLC's to offset this. HH is the only one where if you are short in a few areas you may have to use the workbox save reset in order to get any books in those areas.
Now this is my most recent build and my 3rd time playing through all the DLC's (except HH) but this time I did OWB first instead of DM as the stat buffs from OWB make DM that much easier. Here is where I am at right now in the middle of DM:
Strength: 9
Perception: 7
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 10+ (with the DM agility exploit you can increase above what is shown. this means more AP too but this way lies glitchyness)
Luck: 10
I have most of the perks available. All my skills are either at 100 or I have enough books left to collect to get them their. Its all math and knowing where everything is at. Thats where the wiki or guides make doing it that much easier. I also can't state that lockpick and science are to skills you should have maxed before doing any DLC's especially DM because you can't return and you will miss things. I still find new crap and I am not just talking challenges but good loot. Finally got a stealthboy in DM and this is my 5th playthrough in that DLC which is still my least played because of its difficulty for me. Still love it.
One good thing about doing multiple playthroughs is you see where the bugs happen. The DLC's do not like near completed playthroughs. This more than anything causes all those lockups and stuttering we see when entering new areas outdoors. With fresh characters even fully maxed I experienced almost zero lockups versus my 200 hour plus saves. Those are about hopeless so do the DLC's early to get the most enjoyment out of it.Use guns/explosives more often so you leave less goo & ash piles for the console to remember. I love EW but those things persisting can't be good.
Anyways hope you guys can make use of the info. Now get out there and prospect!