The stuttering is caused by a flaw in the game engine, whereby the tick rate (more or less how often the game updates) runs out of sync with the framerate/refresh rate (in this case, 60 hz/fps for most players). The stuttering was fixed using mods for Oblivion and Fallout 3 (requiring OBSE and FOSE), and there is currently an ongoing project to port the Fallout 3 version of the mod to New Vegas. Judging by the Fallout 3 implementation, it totally removes all stuttering and even improves performance by way of better thread and memory heap management.
I'm aware of that stutter, I just personally don't see it if it's there. I've had people say that it is there and I'm just not looking for it and I've seen the videos but honestly I tried duplicating the videos (panning slowly in a circle, moving sideways) and I don't have it. I have pretty discriminating eyes too, I can't watch a std def TV without noticing the interlacing fields, 120hz frame doubling soap opera effect makes me want to vomit, I notice all sorts of judder with film-based material whether it has pulldown on a 60hz TV or whether it is native 24fps on a 24P tv. I can't play FO3 or NV with the in-game transparency AA because it dithers everything, etc. But I definitely don't see any stutter due to the tic rate or '64 hz engine' which makes me really wonder what kind of hardware/driver combo causes it. It must be something that only affects specific hardware/driver combos.
My point from before though is when people talk about this specific above stutter, other users get confused because they have low framerates, microstutter, they notice the world streaming stutter, etc. which are all not the same thing so then they say "I'm getting stutter too, Bethesda fix it now!" when in fact they aren't talking about the same thing