got my micro stutter back with out D3D9 gonna have to put it back :sadvaultboy:
Do you SLI? The word "stutter" is way over used in the PC community. It can be the SLI thing (when framrate is <60fps SLI/Xfire can have microstutter), it can be low FPS in general, it can be vsync, it can be anything.
Triple Buffering via D3DOverrider works now versus before it didn't and those that thought it did are full of it. Seriously, many internet posts I read saying "and using triple buffering" goes to show just how dumb a lot of people are when they don't even notice that the D3DOverrider chime doesn't go off and just assume it's working because I don't know. Nevermind
Anyways, sorry about your microstutter. Works for me, sorry not for you