» Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:12 pm
I was positive, I thought pfftt this is new technology Daggerfall and morrowind were great and now that beth has a hand in this new technology + its Cyrodiil the largest Province in Tamriel, this is going to rock my *****ing socks if Morrowind had little things tucked away here and there Imagine Cyrodiil! and with each news, lower skills, no cross bows or spears, no more piece meal armor, I still stood fast, I "knew" the Imperial city alone would blow my ass away, and voice acting? EVERYONE voice acted? holy **** you don't sneeze at that and we're being Invaded from Oblivion? I'm like lol this is going to be so sixy fighting off the various Daedra of the many princes, specifically the ones of the house of troubles!.
and then came the disappointments, the Imperial city? hah, the same voices for 4 3 2 races in succession? meh and then levelscaling to be honest I wasn't one of the vets screaming ITS TOO EASY AT THE END, but I was lulled into the PR line about how the game evolves with you and tailors to your're growing, Yeah sure you didnt tell me EVERYTHING would be a fuzzing tedious battle........the fact that the game didnt even live up to its title Oblivion? pffft All I saw were Dagons Deadlands, period....last I checked in the Lore Deadlands was not Oblivion...........and don't get me started when I watched the end cinimatic (I havent even bothered to finish the MQ all these years) :confused:
Oh Oblivion..............you could have been so much more, and apparently you were, but Voice acting in part took some of that away...who knows what else you lost.
So now I hold more criticism, not cynical or pessimism no, Critical, Skyrim doesn't have Oblivions -given- advantages over Morrowind , the gameplay,Graphics, VO are all products of time,age and tech. either Skyrim rests on its own two feat and blows both of them away with its own content or not, I will enjoy Skyrim for its Content, not just because its Skyrim.