Never tried Fast Shot, but it works well? The loss in accuracy always scares me from picking it. Can I ask what armor you wear, and what your DT is? I know I do need more practice out of VATS, but I always find the aiming with sights tricky in the Fallout games. They cleaned it up for New Vegas, compared to FO3, but I find the joysticks on the xbox or ps3 to be a bit hard to aim perfectly when firing in real time.
Fast Shot is a personal favorite of mine. Commando/Gunslinger + Sniper will effectively cancel out the downsides of Fast shot, but the extra 20% firing speed is a rare benefit you can't really get any other way. The decreased accuracy is an amplifier, meaning ironically, fast shot is a problem for guns that are ALREADY inaccurate, but not for snipers. Why? Because 0 spread x1.20 is still zero.

(No guns have zero spread, but snipers do go as low as .001) Fast Shot prevents you from picking up guns like This Machine and the Automatic Rifle, which have high spread, and Fast Shot does NOT benefit automatic weaponry at all, but it really only helps you with rifles and the more accurate pistols (Lucky, Ranger Sequoia). Considering you'll GENERALLY rely on a rifle as your main gun, Fast Shot seems much more beneficial to me. If you wanna run around with just an SMG then sure, avoid Fast Shot. Otherwise I'd take it.
If you have a character in Old World Blues, you could save, take that psychological test to change your traits and test out Trigger Discipline, reload the save, test out Fast Shot, and yeah, you'll quickly see a meaningful difference in firing speed. Ironically, I recently found that Fast Shot + Ain't Like that Now (40% faster firing speed total) is, imo, overdoing it. It's not super noticeable except on some guns. (Laser and plasma particularly)
As for the difficulty...
I'm almost afraid to imagine the upcoming battle with the NCR ranger hit squad.
A Ranger hit squad can one shot you on Very Hard. My Dead-is-Dead Legionnaire learned that the hard way. Headshot critical from an AMR will do that. (220 damage x 2 for the headshot = 440, x2 again for very hard = 880. You're not surviving that.

But listen, you rant about the realism of a guy surviving two bullets to the brain (ironic, cause the protagonist of this game did just that.

), but we rant about the realism of being able to one shot everyone, but we ourselves take 16 headshots to kill? No, screw that. I like it when my AMR can oneshot anyone and those Rangers with AMRs can also oneshot me. Chalk enemies surviving multiple headshots up to SCIENCE!! and positive mutations from radiation (perhaps humans can take more pain or regenerate better thanks to radiation exposure?) and just let it be, but Very Hard is going to provide you with the most leveled playing field between you and your opponents. Divide Deathclaws for example definitely live up to their name, one-shotting literally
anyone who isn't taking tons of chems on Very Hard.