I was about to head out to do Bloodmoon on my Morrowind playthrough; but depending on how this works I may just go visit the land, and leave that questline to 'another hero'.
I have NO desire for my character to be stuck as a Werewolf, because I plan to carry them through to Oblivion and then Skyrim, where being a Werewolf is not possible.
I know there is this (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Rite_of_the_Wolf_Giver) Quest, but is this the only way to be cured? Because there is NO way my character would kill an innocent Nord woman. She would rather live with the curse. I know being driven half mad by the curse and going through with it might deepen her character, and thinking on it I MAY do so, but its highly unlikely.
The reason I ask is that I've never actually played through Bloodmoon and would like to know what i'm getting myself in for.
Edit: I've just becoe aware that you can take a Cure Disease or such in the first three days, but that would feel like cheating, since as far as my Nerevarine character knows she is immune to disease. She wouldn't believe she was infected until it was too late - and it would take her almost three days to walk from the Nord vllage to the Imperial settlement the way I roleplay.